Messages 2018

The World Needs Your Healing Prayers

January 18th, 2018

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike


I am Keea Atta Kem and I have come to encourage you my beloveds to bring light into this world and to bring light into yourselves. This light comes with earnest desire and prayer to be together in this room with a desire deep within your hearts to bring healing and light to all the children of this world, for this world sorely needs your prayers and your efforts. This world that begins to crumble and is stressed and where there is much pain needs your prayers. So I urge you to come together in this way and to think of all the children, all the souls in this world. So many are lost, so many suffer greatly even those with great material wealth are suffering and lost and full of pain. You, beloved lights, do not know this pain, this loneliness that comes with a soul unable to be close to the Creator and to be in that light and flow of God.

May His Love continue to embrace your souls, to transform you in Light, to heal you in Love. As you grow, as you gather the light within you, so you may be used as a channel of light for the world. You are beautiful pearls strung together, beautiful souls singing in harmony and truth, with a desire to give and to be used as a channel in this world. You each have an angel by your side and there are many eager to work with you at these moments to bring light and blessings to many. Sing with the true desire of your souls. Sing with the love of humanity within your hearts. Ask God to use you in service to bring light to the world.

God bless you. I am Keea Atta Kem and my love is with you all, as are the angels of Heaven and the blessings from God are with you at this moment. God bless you. God bless you.