Messages 2018
You Have Done Well
October 26th, 2018
Gibsons, B.C. Canada
Received by Al Fike
You have done well, my beloveds. You have followed our instructions and you have taken seriously your quest to awaken your souls through receiving the Father’s Love. You have interacted together in harmony and love. You have done everything that has been asked of you, beloveds souls. You continue to grow in this Love, to awaken, feeling its strength and refreshment within your souls. We will continue in this journey of soul progression. Though you may not be together in the flesh, the bonds that you have created that have become ever stronger will ensure that you are connected in a deep way, your souls bonded for eternity, your lights growing together. Your efforts will continue to be forged into one.
You have long passed the point of no return, my beloveds. You are changed irrevocably. You have come to that place of which our brother Jesus has urged us all to go, to be with our heavenly Father, to walk in this Light and this Love. In this you create a beautiful light amongst you, one which God will utilize in many ways. One which God will continue to nurture with His Love. One in which you will experience many changes, expiations, release from error, renewed awakenings and knowings that will carry you forward.
Yes you are well on your way, beloved souls. You will seek out God with every breath, know God with every thought. This is coming. Your souls are on the verge of this awakening. Release yourselves from all your burdens, beautiful souls. Be at peace and know that you are indeed upon the right journey, the one which your souls have chosen and God has destined for you.
Your time now together is indeed short but it has opened many doors which you will come to know and walk through in joy. May you continue beloved souls, may you continue and we shall accompany you. We are with you in such a deep connection, soulful bond that you will feel our presence as a constant light and comfort to you. You will know us in a deeper way, each one of you, come to rely upon our support and love, our guidance and wisdom. We grow closer with each day and we are all destined to work together for the betterment of mankind.
Beloved souls, you have done well. You have chosen well. You have prayed with fervency. You have known a deep honesty within yourself and you are coming to know the truth in all its wonderment. It becomes clearer with each day. Your strength grows. Your perceptions deepen. Your capacity to love is deeper with the fullness of your beautiful hearts expressing love. You are deeply blessed, beloveds, and we walk with you always.
God bless you. I am Thomas. My love is with you.