Messages 2018

Your Deepest Relationship is With Your Creator

November 4th, 2018

First United Spiritualist Church, Burnaby, B.C. Canada

Received by Maureen Cardoso


Beloved friends, I am Keea. Dear souls, each of you have an innate longing, an innate desire for connection. For is that not why you are here gathered together in prayer, longing for a connection, a sense of belonging? Beloveds souls, the deepest connection and the deepest belonging is with your beloved Creator. For it is in the making of your creation that God has implanted within each soul this desire for connection.

As you come here born into this world as an infant, your first connection is with your earth parents. Depending upon the depth of that connection with your first family, this can either meet great needs or not. Then as you grow and you move out into the world, as a child, as a young adult, and fully as an adult, you make relationships. You make and create connections with others. There is always that deep desire in you to be able to relate. Depending upon these relationships, there can be disappointments causing hurts and unfulfilled hopes of relationships. It is here beloveds that you learn about these connections.

My beloved friends, I wish to say to you, your deepest relationship is that which you form with your Creator. For it is your Creator that will meet all of the needs that you have and will carry you through this life by the Grace of His Presence in your life. So as your teachers, who are a little ahead of you on this path of Divine, we guide you to be in prayer, to long to be with your Creator creating this most gracious and beloved relationship. For it is in this deep relationship, receiving this Love in your souls, that harmony comes and you seek to continue to reach to God and develop this close-knit relationship rather than reaching outside of you and looking for others to meet your needs and your expectations.

For beloveds, what is important for you to understand is that another human being cannot meet all of your needs for they too are on a journey, walking their walk, their path, back and towards their beloved Creator. Placing one’s expectations upon another to show up in a certain way, will only lead to personal disappointment.

Your deepest and most beloved relationship is with God and receiving the Love of God in your souls. As your soul is cleansed and this Love fills and resides within you, there comes a time when this soul, the Love of your soul fills and emanates through every part of you. This brings you strength, this brings you wisdom and this brings you the ability to serve, to serve your brothers and sisters in Love, a desire to allow this Love that has been graced to you by your beloved Creator, allow this Love to have a place of expression.

This is when one begins to let go of needing another to meet their expectations. Rather, they can see others through the eyes of their soul, through the eyes of love and realizing that this human before them does not have the ability to meet all of their needs for they too are struggling, they too are looking for their needs to be met. So my beloveds, as you strengthen in your Love, having received this Love through God, you too strengthen in the ability to see with the eyes of your soul, this great Love, and hold compassion for your brothers and sisters.

Take everything to God, beloveds. Take everything that is hurting with inside of you, everything that desires to be loved. All emotions that are lacking love, bring those to your beloved Creator, the one who will cradle you, who will love you and comfort you. You will find that inside of you comes this great stability, this ability to walk knowing that you are cared for by the one who has created you and you are loved and you are guided. My beloved friends, continue on this path of building your communion, soul to Soul. All comes into harmony, beloveds. Be in prayer and allow God to love you and to harmonize all that is within you.

I am Keea-atta Kem and my love is with each of you. God bless you. I love you.