Messages 2018

Your Efforts Will Make This Church a Centre of Light

February 16th, 2018

Hollis Woods Community Church, Queens, New York, USA

Received by A.F.


I am Jesus and I come to bless you because you seek to serve our Heavenly Father, you seek to bring Love to the children who cry out, you seek to bring greater blessings to your own souls. All souls who seek for the highest, who know of the Father’s great blessing of His Love shall have my blessings, shall be in my prayers and shall be ministered to by angels who carry the Will of God into this world.

So my beloveds, have faith that God shall indeed guide you and show you the way to bring the holy blessings to this place, this sanctuary of Light. God has consecrated this church and has enlisted this place and those who are responsible to do His Service that His Will may manifest in this place. Be aware, beloved souls, that you step within holy ground that has been touched by God, that miracles of healing, great waves of peace, the bounty of God’s Love will pour upon this place given your commitment, beloved souls, to open its doors to all those who seek refuge from the conditions of this world to find peace and nourishment for the soul, to find a place where they feel they belong and are safe and are blessed.

Can you bring these conditions here, my beloveds, and bring the souls who seek, together? Make your prayers fervent, your efforts pure, and follow the Will of God with humility. Allow God to do what is meant to be. Allow yourselves to be attuned to this flow. As all things are done in Love, so every aspect and element will fall into place to bring a thriving and beautiful condition and church in this place. It awaits, it awaits the call and the efforts to gather the souls together and make of this place a Centre of Light in the world.

My son, you feel the callings of your soul. Listen, listen, allow those deep urgings within to guide your footsteps and your efforts. Do not allow yourself to be drawn into the human condition but quietly go about your work, listening to the Will of God, allowing God to work through you, my beloved. You have seen in these moments that God drew in a beautiful soul to your midst. So He will do so one by one, piece by piece, day by day. This will come together and coalesce into the congregation that you seek and dream about. Many souls, though different in their perspectives and their life stories, yet they are all drawn by Love. Love is the key. Love will open the doors. Your capacity to love, to allow God’s Love to flow through you will determine the extent of the fulfillment of God’s Will. You stand at the threshold, you look out at the world and you wonder why the world does not look within this place for the blessings and opportunities that are here. I say to you, beloveds, send your love into the world, ask with your hearts, embrace all, and listen to the Will of God. Many will be drawn and listen to your invitation. For in God’s Will there is a flow and a timing. Foundations are forged with each soul He uses as His instruments and then the work begins in earnest. So you are here in your own dedication of service, your own desire to reach out to humanity, to point the way to that great gift of the Father’s Love and its power to heal the human spirit, the soul, the mind and all can be healed with His Love. Bring your stories to the lost souls. Speak your truth. Do so with wisdom and humility as I did when I walked the earth and many will be drawn. One by one, they will come.

Continue with your efforts and your prayers, continue to seek to serve in this way. This Centre of Light that exists in the world will be known in the world. But you must speak of this. You must point the way to the lost souls so that they may find the treasures that this place has to offer. When events unfold unanticipated and at times you feel alone and frustrated with those elements and forces that wish to work against the Light, go to God, my beloveds, go to God and seek His solace, His Love, His wisdom to strengthen you to carry on and to continue this effort for God will bless you mightily, my beloveds. God will give you what you require to forge ahead, to hold these doors open and to bring many souls into your midst. It requires a tenacity, a commitment, a strength of faith to do this work, my beloveds. For it is a deep and needed work, which requires your focus, your willingness, requires that you may know your souls, know the desires of your souls and know the Will of God. Can you go to that place that is within you that reaches to God as God reaches to you and allow this communion to be the rock within your life that will inform your actions of service to God, that will inform Love in all that you do?

So much awaits you, my beloveds, so much. May you overcome all obstacles and barriers upon your path. May His blessed Love flow within you constant, uplifting, informing, showing the way. My love and prayers are with you. You do my work and I shall walk with you always, my precious souls. I shall walk with you and uphold you and light the way, light the way to the path intended by God. God bless you, beloveds. God bless you. I am Jesus. I love you.