Messages 2019

Be in the Garden of Love

August 20th, 2019

Boscobel, Wisconsin, U.S.A.

Received by Jimbeau Walsh

Hummm, every little bird that sings, may it give your heart wings. Be in the joy. Be in the garden of love. When I was on Earth, my friends and I, we sang sweet songs and we worked quite hard to build a life in God. We removed ourselves from the everyday busy world which we had all known. We had known war. We had known the material mind and material things. But we opted for a simple life. And of course, I do not expect nor do any of us here in the Celestial realm expect you to totally give up your world, to give up your material things. But you do know the joy in love. So we ask: “Make life simpler. Spend more time in prayer. If you are busy, talk to God.” You will get an answer as we did and we do. Be in the garden of God’s Love that you may all bloom and blossom.

It is my wish for each one of you to open like a rose. Let the fragrance of God’s Love not only fill your soul but be seen, be felt, by each soul that you touch now on your journey walking into the future in God’s Love. My love to each one and God’s Love to each one. May it bless you each. I am your brother and friend in the Celestial Heavens, Francis.