Messages 2019

Continue to Reach for the Highest

September 2nd, 2019

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

Your prayers open the gateways and doors to many blessings. I come, I am Jesus. The power of love, my beloved brothers and sisters, is what melts the barriers and the fears in your lives and amongst you. The power of love uplifts you and brings you closer to God. The power of your intentions, your desires, your will, determines the path that you will take and the awakenings that will come to you. The power of acceptance, that what God has to give to you that you may receive and cherish. The power of peace that you may walk in this world, calm and centered in love. The power of joy that as you experience your daily lives, you may know a deep and abiding joy within your heart with a sense of gratitude to God that God has given you this gift of life, that God has given you, all that is within you - a beautiful soul, all the capacities that bring expression to that soul, all that you are and all that you can be continues to awaken.

My beloved and beautiful brothers and sisters, you continue to grow in Light and Love. You continue to explore your own selves in all its beauty and glory. You continue to express yourselves in life, in ways of light, in ways of humility and grace. You are truly my brothers and sisters and you are truly God’s children. As you come to know this and express this in every way and means and detail so your life is enriched, so the many things within you are recognised and awakened in love.

God has placed before each of you a beautiful path of Light that you may journey in your existence accompanied by Love, accompanied by Truth, accompanied by God’s Hand upon you. So your journeys are deeply blessed and you have chosen this. You continue to choose to reach for Light, to reach for the highest, to reach for God. In this, you have chosen well. In this, God responds with every breath you take, in every moment in your life there is the possibility that you may be blessed. There is a true flow of Love upon you. All you but need to do is to breathe this in, to take it into your soul and allow its wondrous ways to transform and heal you, to strengthen and uphold you. God’s Gifts, God’s Light, God’s Love for you is endless. It is the one True Source that you may truly rely upon and receive at will.

May you continue to walk in the Light of God’s Love. May you continue to grow and shift and transform in this Gift of Love. In this way, all that you desire, all that is yearning within your soul will find its awakening and expression. With this, your gifts will emerge, your beauty will intensify, your wisdom and knowledge will come to your conscious self, so that you may walk in the world as a true channel of love, that you may be an instrument of God’s Will bringing many blessings forth for the benefit of all you meet. May God bless you, beloved souls. May God carry you in His Love and Power and Glory. May you come to know how truly loved you are and how truly powerful Love is. Awaken in this Light. Truly come to be the child that God has created that you may awaken, that you may be a true and clear channel of love in the world and bring, in your way, the changes that are needed, the healing that must come, the shifts of understanding and realization of Truth that will and must be given to your world.

God bless you, beloved souls. May His Love shower upon you a great, great shower of Love, filling your souls, bringing you ever closer to the Fountainhead of all Love. We are together in this prayer. God bless you and keep you. I am your brother. I am with you. I am Jesus.