Messages 2019

Divine Love is the Most Direct Path to God

February 28th, 2019

First United Spiritualist Church Burnaby, B.C. Canada

Received by Maureen Cardoso

Good evening, I am your teacher Augustine and I welcome you into the circle, this circle of light and into this beautiful building - this sanctuary where there has been gifted a portal of light. This portal of light reaches up to the Celestial heavens allowing healing energies to flow directly into your circle. This portal of light is a powerful gift. What keeps this portal active is the prayers in this building such as you are doing and the other services. You may also pray individually throughout your day for this portal to stay strong and expand in its abilities to bless every soul that comes into its midst. It can grow so strong that the entire land can be covered, an entire city block can be covered, and an entire city can be covered. It is for you dear souls along with us, the Celestial angels, under God’s guidance to have this portal of light strengthen.

I welcome the dear soul coming for his first time, for my son you were guided here. We have been watching you and were happy to know the dear soul suggested that you come to this location and experience this prayer. For the experience of receiving the inflowing of God’s Love into your soul, my dear son, will bring you healing. It will bring every soul healing.

There is a great power when you gather as you have this evening generating a powerful inflowing into your souls and into your midst. The presence of the angels come, they stand with you and they pray with you. That which you are engaged in at this moment, opening your soul to receive the Essence of the Creator the One who has created you to deepen this bond, is the highest gift available in all the universe. At times this is difficult to understand from the mind for it is not a practice for the mind. It is a practice for your soul. It is the path of the soul. It is the path of awakening your soul to its greatest potentials. It is the most direct path to your Creator.

I would encourage each and every one of you to become very familiar with this experience of communing with your Creator, opening your soul and longing from your heart with a heartfelt desire to know your true self. Not for the many illusions the mind has of yourself, but for the truth that is carried within your soul. Through this communing and receiving, the gift of God’s Divine Love truths are awakened, wisdom is given, gifts are opened and exercised and you feel aligned, you feel harmonious. There is a feeling of at-oneness. You have the ability to see with the eyes of your soul seeing with compassion and love and empathy and you hear with the ears of your soul. You hear the cry of the hurting friend and you can hold compassion. You touch with the love of your soul, the gentleness. For this love in your soul desires an avenue to be expressed. Your words become of love, kindness and are gentle. Everything within you will harmonize and align with love.

There are many practices that encourage the expansion of your consciousness and the expanding awareness of the mind. My friends, this is not what this path is, this path is for the awakening of your soul. As your soul awakens the mind of the soul, its wisdom and truths will bubble up into your conscious material mind and you will then have greater alignment between your material mind and the mind of your soul.

Take the time each day and discover what it is that your Creator wishes to bestow upon you, this love, guidance, healing, soul awareness, understanding who you are and the truth of who you are. Not the illusion of who you may think you are, rather a knowing of who you are. The gift of God’s Love brings the knowing of who you are.

Continue to open, my dear friends, to receive this love. Feel the presence, the warmth, the caring, the calmness, the peace - the peace that passes all understanding. It is all freely given and only requires your effort to ask.

God bless you my friends, I am your teacher Augustine. My love is with you. God bless you.