Messages 2019

Do Not Assume the Way God’s Will Comes About

March 15th, 2019

Monroeville, PA, U.S.A.

Received by Al Fike

God bless you, beloved friends. I am Stephen. God is an opportunist. God uses every fissure and crack, every hole and nook and cranny to bring light and truth. Do not underestimate God’s intention and persistence to bring light to this world. He will use every opportunity to do so. My beloved and beautiful friends who seek to serve God, do not limit your service by your judgments or concepts of how God will work His Will and Truth in this world. How these things may be accomplished is often surprising. Who He may use is often surprising.

An individual, which in your mind and judgment may seem unfit, may be chosen by God to serve in some particular way, to bring some change, some light to a situation or circumstance. God works around the corners so to speak. Often His efforts are not direct but come in surprising and circuitous ways. Because of the power and the gift that humanity carries with free will, it is difficult that God’s Will may be directly enacted in your world and so the efforts are subtle and circuitous. Yet, with patience and perseverance, the directive hits its goal, and the intention is realized.

My beloved friends, patience is important, faith is important, and love is important. Even though you may see a solution that is obvious and if implemented would be very effective indeed, there are too many barriers in the way, too much holds back this possibility. In prayer, in humility, in patience, and in faith you will find your way through, circumventing the barriers, weaving through the conditions (the human condition), and finding your way to the goal.

Do not underestimate the power of God’s Will, nor how it is like water, finding its way to where it is meant to go. It meanders and seeps through the cracks and the crevices, and this light illuminates and shows the way. This is how God’s Will works beloveds, finding opportunities here and there, allowing the light to infuse the darkness, bringing peace to those who are in turmoil, bringing wisdom to those who are confused, bringing love to those who are in pain. You will see as you continue on in your life how God works, how subtle yet powerful is His Plan for the salvation of mankind. This infusion of light is everywhere. In every circumstance throughout this world of yours, God is working to bring change and light, upliftment into light.

When you pray to be used in service, as an instrument of God’s Will, what God asks of you may not be so direct or obvious. It may be subtle indeed, a word here, a touch there, or merely walking through the halls of some place using you as His channel that light may flow through you and affect and change various conditions as you go.

This is why humility is so important. This is why grandiose plans are rarely realized when it comes to God’s Will. All of the elements of the earthly condition, of the interplay of humanity, of the thoughts and influence and energies of your world in constant interaction make for a very complex situation. For God to work in this condition that humanity has created, there is and must be the subtle infusion of light gently pushing and cajoling the directions of all these elements coming together in some time to harmony.

God’s Plan is very complex. It is unfathomable by your minds, beloved souls. It requires a highly developed soul to see into this intricate thing that is God’s Plan. So, my beloveds, do not restrict your thinking. Do not curtail the opportunities that God has put before you. Do not let your minds and the judgment of your minds, the attitudes and biases of your minds, curtail God’s Will. You have prayed to be a part of God’s Will. This is done as you continue to strengthen your connection with God, to be in the flow of His Love, to be a light, to allow the light within your souls to shine forth. So much of what you do in service to God, in love of your brothers and sisters is not recognized by you in a conscious way, because you cannot see that clearly with your soul perceptions what is in play, what happens as you continue to be engaged in life. The layers and the intricacies are far too complex for your minds to recognize such things.

My beloved friends, do not underestimate the Will of God, nor your place within that will, nor what may happen when all is in harmony and in alignment with the Will of God. Much can manifest. God continues to lay foundation upon foundation in order to usher in clear and beautiful truth, powerful and effective light that will bring change to your world.

So rather than the planner, the architect, you are the bricklayer. Bit by bit you continue to lay the foundation one brick at a time. It’s your efforts one day at a time. You toil in service to God. In time you will see the beauty of this creation directed by God and enacted by you and many others in concert with the angels, with God’s Will.

Beloved souls, know that you are deeply blessed and that your souls continue to awaken in this great flow of love that continues to pour into your souls. In time, you will see the intricacies, the subtleties, the complexities of the enactment of God’s Will in your world, but for now my friends, walk in faith, in humility. Be true to your soul and be true to God’s Will and all will unfold as it should. Do not worry and fret as to how this will be. Merely be joyed that you are a child of God following the path towards your redemption and the transformation of your soul.

May God continue to usher you along this path, protect you, and bless you deeply. I am your friend, Stephen. May God bless you, my beloveds. May God bless you deeply.