Messages 2019

Fuel This Lattice of Light

May 19th, 2019

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

This is your teacher Augustine. I wish to continue to encourage you to fuel this Lattice of Light that we build together.1 This lattice is very important to uplift humanity. It is part of God’s plan that will change this world. These beginnings of efforts to be together in this way and to pray for this blessing of light to enshroud the world is important. I wish to assure you that there are others who continue to pray and add to this effort of yours. We will encourage many and there are spirits who will encourage those who you will not know but who will be a part of this effort.

Many souls in the world, beloveds, are coming to understand the power of prayer. Within their souls, they are reaching out to God. God is utilizing their desires and efforts and prayers to awaken more blessings for this world. Though you are not consciously aware of this somewhat coordinated effort to awaken humanity, there is much that is happening under the surface. There are many efforts being made around your world and you are a part of this. You are helping to fuel this, for as you reach for the highest, beloveds, as you continue to awaken within your souls, as you continue to put your prayers forward for the benefit and blessings of humanity, so you are a powerful influence in this great network of light and shall contribute and do your part within this effort.

Consider yourselves, each one of you, as God’s instruments in this regard. I wish for you to take the responsibility for prayer and effort and thought towards this great venture, this great plan for the salvation of mankind. Yes you may play your part, no matter how simple, no matter how humble is your situation in the world, you may play your part. With the expressions of your soul, the light within your soul, the desires of your soul and the inclinations of your soul, so you may contribute in many ways that may not seem overt or obvious but are powerful nonetheless.

Do not underestimate the power of prayer, beloveds. Bring yourself to that place of communing with the Creator, your Heavenly Father. In this communion, in this transfer of Love, many blessings are possible and are expressed in the world through you. This is a matter of faith. This is the expression of the Truth of God’s Love and the power of God’s Love in your soul. Trust in this, beloveds. Trust in your time with God and allow the Love to flow, not only within you but through you. Think of this Lattice of Light. Think of how you may uplift and empower this lattice with your prayers, your prayers to God to ask for His blessings upon this great network.

We appreciate greatly your efforts, beloved souls. We need your efforts to help fuel this great venture. We encourage you with your time and thoughts and efforts, your prayers and your desires to continue to add to this great plan, to be an instrument so that many blessings may flow forth, to reach for the highest, beloveds, the highest within you and the highest of God to bring these great blessings forth with love and joy.

May God bless you in this way, beloved souls. May His Love continue to pierce your soul and heal all hurts, all that is within that is not of love, and awaken you, beloveds. Awaken you to the truth of God’s existence, His creation and His Love.

God bless you, beloveds. I am you teacher Augustine and I am with you in your efforts and ventures. We work together do we not? You of Earth and we in the Celestial Kingdom merge together in Love, awakening in Love always as this gift continues to flow and change our world. God bless you. God bless you, beloveds. Augustine loves you.

Note 1. The Lattice of Light is created by the various participants in simultaneous “over the wires” prayer circles around the world.