Messages 2019

Give Freely

April 2nd, 2019

Abbotsford, B.C. Canada

Received by Maureen Cardoso

God bless you, beloved souls, it is joy to be here with you. I am Keea-atta Kem. What a blessing it is to reach for and receive the great gift of Divine Love. This gift that is freely given, freely given to every soul who seeks and yearns for this great blessing. Beloveds, this gift, this free gift that comes to you, awakens your souls, and enlivens your spiritual gifts. Do you recognize that all of this is freely given? Do you see the way God has no restriction upon His Love and gifts for each of His children? These gifts when awakened, beloveds, are to be given freely as well, shared with your brothers and sisters, for that great blessing that God wishes to bless each of those souls that come before you. So the currency of God is Love and it is true freedom.

As you continue to walk upon this path, receiving greater Love upon your souls, a great freedom arises within you. Those things that once inhibited you, those actions that were once set in fear, transition into a sense of being freely being able to express oneself. So, beloveds, you each pray for soul awakening and this is coming. With every prayer, you are moving towards greater soul awakening. As your soul awakens in this great freedom, it is important that you share your spiritual gifts freely with others, that you allow God to work through your soul to freely bless others, igniting the great gifts within your soul. Please remember to release any inhibitions that you may carry from your mind’s perspective upon these gifts.

When a soul is awakened by the great gift of God’s Divine Love, there comes a great desire for these gifts to flow freely and as they do, your awakened soul touches many. You walk with a great freedom in your world, walking upon Earth as an instrument for God to bring change, to bring peace and to bring greater love and light into your world. So remember, my beloveds, that this gift is given freely upon your yearning and your asking. As your soul is awakened in your spiritual gifts, bless many with these gifts, for God desires all of his children to be awakened, to be in peace, and to live in harmony.

May each of you be blessed greatly by this Love, allowing it to change you and showing others the way to their change. I am Keea-atta Kem and my love is with you. God bless you.