Messages 2019

God’s Divine Love is Given Freely to All Souls

March 2nd, 2019

Hollis Woods, Queens, N.Y. U.S.A.

Received by Al Fike

God bless you, beloved brothers and sisters, I am your teacher Augustine. Yes, I have been with this instrument for many years and his mate and others who have been in the circle together for many years. For many years I have taught the Truths of the Father’s Divine Love and encouraged these individuals upon their path. I come to encourage you, beloved souls, upon your path, to seek the power of love in your life, to seek God’s Touch in your souls. For there is much to be learned by every soul who starts his journey upon this Earth, a journey which shall indeed progress for a very long time. To build a foundation here on your Earth, to walk with truth in your heart, to be a channel of love in this world will take you higher and swifter into light.

We encourage you, beloved sisters and brothers, to open your souls to receive this gift of the Essence of God, the Divine Love. It is a simple request from your heart to God that will open many avenues and possibilities of soul awakening and spiritual growth. This path is unique. It is a different path than most because rather than rely upon the individual’s abilities and capacities to climb from the darkness into light, it involves a simple act of faith, a simple prayer to receive an opening to the Source of All so that you may indeed be uplifted by the Hand of God.

So much of your world is entrenched in the idea of self-determination, to be the individual which you seek out within your minds to be. There are many benefits from this effort to improve yourself, to be strong within yourself, to be clear as to who you are as an individual. These things are indeed of great benefit to all those who seek to be in greater harmony with who they are. But to leave out a component, a critical part that comes with your capacity of the soul to understand God and to have a personal relationship with the Creator, this key that comes with the blessing of His Love will add so many more dimensions and aspects of awareness of your own true self. It will bring such a power to transform and to heal and to awaken those potentials within your soul.

Do not neglect your soul, beloveds, this part of you that continues to journey forth ever higher until it is close to God. Though you may indeed journey to many places and experience many things through the capacities of your minds, your material minds, it is the soul that needs awakening, to bring a balance, a true balance between these components and aspects of the soul and those of your mind. So few readily understand this truth. So few are willing to go beyond this powerful part within that which is your mind and to come to that place of deep peace and deep knowing that is your soul. It comes with the awakening of the many faculties of your soul so you may readily understand God and creation and many, many aspects of God’s creation.

We invite you, beloved souls, those of you who do not already do so, to add this component of prayer and receptivity towards the blessing of the Divine Essence to be received and incorporated within your consciousness for much can come, many blessings, great and wondrous openings within will come with this gift.

These two delightful souls come with this message as do those who accompany them with an earnestness and a desire to share in this experience. For God lays a table in front of you, a bounty of gifts and blessings to absorb, to come to know. It is given freely. It is not restricted to any one individual but comes to all souls whether they are in darkness or light, whether they are suffering or in joy, they may come to this table and feast upon the spiritual gifts and blessings that God has to give to each one.

Awaken, beloveds, awaken to this bounteous blessing of love and you will find yourself in lofty places, in light, in joy, in wisdom and in love. God gives to His children endlessly for God’s Love for His children is endless. You may receive this great blessing drop by drop as it enters your soul and brings the light, the healing, the peace that passes all understanding, it comes to you, comes to you, beloved souls, that you may awaken and know deep truth.

May God bless you thus, beautiful, beautiful souls. May God bless you deeply and awaken all that is within for there are many great gifts and blessings that await and are yours for the taking if you but ask. God bless you, beloveds. I am your teacher Augustine. I am happy to accompany you this afternoon in your prayerful time. God bless you. An angel is with each one. Feel the love and upliftment that comes with God’s Touch upon you. God bless you. God bless you, beloveds.