Messages 2019

God’s Plan is Beautiful

March 9th, 2019

Received by Al Fike.

Meyersdale, PA. U.S.A.

Beloved daughters and sons, I am Mary. Do you know how much God loves you? Can you not feel His Love for you? It pours upon your soul opening the cracks and fissures, light pouring in, adding to what is there and awakening what can be. Do you know how much God needs you to be in alignment with His great soul so that He may use you as His channels of love, that He may use you to touch many other souls in your world, a world so in need of love?

You build the fires of warmth and love amongst you. This fire warms and protects and uplifts and brings you close to the Fountainhead of all love. Indeed these Living Waters continue to pour from God’s Soul bathed by the Holy Spirit touching you deeply, beloved souls. We in the Celestial Kingdom see this light. Indeed our hearts are warmed when we see this light in your world. For it is the power of this light, the power of love that will change your world. It is the hope of your world that this love may spread and touch many. You, beloved souls, come to be warmed and nurtured. You come to expand your souls in love.

There are so few places in your world where such light exists. There are so few souls in your world that truly understand the source of this light, the power of love. You are precious to us as you are precious to God. God continues to uplift you and show you the way to greater light, to perfect love. We are with you, beloved souls. We are with you and we help to guide you forth. We help in your healings. We help in your insights of truth. We help to inspire you to greater prayer that you may come closer to God. God has blessed you and offered to you all the resources of Heaven to bring this light to earth, to open these doors that truth may flow and light may flood this world.

All it takes are a few dedicated souls to pray for this gift, this light to touch many. You not only strive for the betterment of your own soul but you are also being used as a channel of love for this world. May you continue to seek to be this channel, to walk in the earth as a light, to strive to listen to God’s Will and walk upon the path that He designates for each of you that you may bring this truth to humanity, be a living example of this truth and know that with each of you there are angels of light and love.

If you cannot go forth in the world to speak and teach, you are all capable of prayer. This is important. Every day, beloveds, every day, dedicate yourselves in prayer and walk in this truth and light and God will use you accordingly as His plan unfolds for the salvation of mankind.

There are many souls coming who need your wisdom, your strength and your light. May this be your destiny, to walk as God’s channels of love, to be an example of this truth of love, to allow yourselves the freedom from the conditions of this Earth and truly be free to enjoy and love. All these blessings await you. Nothing will be held back from you, but it is for you to step forward and pray and ask and be open to receive all these gifts, all that God has to give to you.

You are His children and He cares for you most tenderly and gives to you what you require to grow in love and light. May you continue upon your path moving ever forward for you cannot retreat. You cannot. Your soul will not let you do so. You may stop for a while but indeed God’s plan is for you to progress and grow and be greater light, to know deep wisdom, to express the beautiful gifts that you each possess. Much awaits you and may you come to know the wonderment of God’s Love in all its beauty and glory, in all its capacities to bring blessings to you, to your life and family and beyond to many places in this world. It is the blessing of love that will heal the troubled heart and carry the seeking soul to truth, to love, to joy.

May God bless you deeply, my beloveds, and know that I am close and that my prayers go to God for your benefit and your blessings. I am part of many, many beautiful souls, angels in Heaven who continue to support you and walk with you and teach and guide and heal and uplift, inspire. God’s plan is beautiful, my beloveds, and you are all within the flow of His Will and plan. Know this. There is so much you can know as you continue to awaken in your souls. Come to know your own true selves and be with God with every breath.

God bless you, beloveds, and I love you. I am with you. I love you. I am Mary. God bless you. God bless you, beloveds.