Messages 2019

God’s Will cannot be Thwarted

September 18th, 2019

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

I am Augustine. Yes we in the Celestial Kingdom are sorry that there is some curtailment of your work in this precious place, although the door has not been closed completely. Certainly your plans and ideas and desires to express your gifts within that place have not been responded to by the powers that be in a positive way. You ask, what is your Will dear Father, what is your Will in terms of my gifts, expression of my life dedicated to you dear Father and to serve you and to serve humanity?

I say to you, beloved daughter (M) and to all of you, the Will of God is like a mighty river. At times you are caught in the main flow, the current that carries you forward. At times, you are sidelined into an eddy where you wait. Yet again the current will pick you up and take you forward. This will happen time and time again. For to be truly a part of God’s Will requires patience and persistence, to persevere through those times when it seems in your mind that nothing is happening in regards to your instrumentality, in regards of God’s Will being expressed in the world.

But in those times when you are cast into the eddy and you wait, it is a sort of recalibration of God’s Will so that He can carry you forward in a way that has purpose and meaning that is effective. What causes your journey to be halted is the will of those around you, not God’s Will, but human will. Yet God’s Will is persistent and will come to pass in time, but must weave its way through the wilfulness of man and must come to be expressed, despite all the conditions of your world that resist and push against the Will of God.

It has always been thus, beloved souls. It has always been thus. Yet God persists. God’s Will continues to be expressed in the world. It is not that God has forcibly curtailed your efforts, beloveds. It is that the conditions of the world continue to halt the Will of God, but like any river that continues down its course, it will find a way to that end point. So God’s Will is like that, continuing to flow despite the obstructions in its way.

So provided you are faithful and strong and allow God’s Will to carry you, you will find your way. You will express your purpose, your gifts. That channel of Love that God has created within your soul will continue to be expressed no matter the conditions of the world, beloveds, no matter the conditions of the world. Your gifts and what God intends for you will continue to be expressed. It may not appear to be so on the material plane, but that is the least of this expression of God’s Will.

So much more happens in different ways and different expressions that are difficult for you to discern, difficult to see with your eyes and know with your mind and recognize. Yet within your soul you know that God has you firmly in His grasp, that God continues to guide you forward, to carry you and to involve you in His plan for the salvation of mankind.

So whether you sit at home in prayer or are at a distant place in an effort to be active and expressive of light, God will continue to use you as His channels of love and light in many different ways. So my beloved daughter and all of you, have faith that God’s Will will be done on Earth as it is this is in Heaven. This is a Truth. How His Will will be expressed is something that is enacted daily. The predictability of the course of that river can only be seen as going forward, but how this forward movement is attained is determined by each moment, each condition that it encounters, each obstruction that must be circumvented.

This takes time, beloved souls. Yet God has all the time in the world. God continues to work with humanity to help to bring all the souls of your world to a place of light and understanding, of upliftment and harmony. You cannot see the entire picture, beloved souls. Your soul awakening has not come to that place of such a grand vision of God’s enactment in the world, His Will being expressed in millions upon millions of ways and expressions.

Yet with faith, you may persist and carry on in accordance to your guidance, knowing that God’s Will is indeed enacting through you. Faith is a thing of strength. No matter what happens in your life in this world, you know that God is with you and that God will continue to guide you forward. There is always a way, there is always a way, beloved souls, to enact God’s Will. Though you may see nothing before you, it is only because of the plane in which you are visioning does not indicate any movement, but in the many layers of God’s universe, the many layers of your existence in the world, there is always movement. There is always something happening. There is always greater light being built, greater truth being absorbed, greater love flowing and brightening.

So be reassured, my beloved and beautiful students. You continue upon a trajectory of flow in your life that is guided by God and will always be. How you perceive this, how you know this, is that when you go into your soul there is a sense that God is there. There is a sense that all is well, that God’s Love continues to pour upon you. But there is no judgment, there is no disappointment, of what has come through the expression of the human condition that obstructs God’s Will. Instead there is the power of God’s Love that continues to shine upon all and continues to work its power and light and Truth, no matter the resistance that it encounters. The flow of these Living Waters of the Waters of God’s Will will continue to persist and to flood this world. So that harmony must come, the Truth must come, that love must be pervasive and flow freely.

This is the goal of God’s plan for the salvation of mankind and you are all part of this. When you persist in one place and find there are obstructions, remember God will find another way. God will continue in the flow of His Will in some way. When you are called home, my dear daughter, know that you have not failed. You have gained so much and you recognize this. You have become stronger. You have overcome some obstructions within yourself. You are a greater light and you have gained wisdom in this experience. This will continue to be in your life because you are an open channel of God’s Will and His Love.

In this way you will encounter many different experiences and individuals and situations. At times, what you perceive as being the Truth, the reality of the situation may not be so. Then there is a readjustment of perception, of understanding and also a further detachment from outcomes. This is important, that you are not so emotionally invested in the outcomes of the work that God is guiding you to do. Be merely a humble and obedient servant of God’s Will. In this way, rather than you becoming the captain of your ship, it is God who guides your ship forward and brings the outcomes that are a part of His plan, His Will.

I know this is difficult for your mortal awareness and understanding of life as it is always a challenge to put aside our will in favour of God’s Will. But as you grow in Love, as your soul awakens in Love, it becomes easier and you come to know and understand why this is important. You have made great progress, my daughter. You all have made great progress as you continue to seek to serve God.

There will come a time when nothing and no individual will be able to shake your foundations of the soul and of the Truth for which you stand and the efforts for what you make on behalf of God. Each time you encounter someone who challenges you, who throws toward you negative thoughts or assumptions about your character and your being, it becomes less painful as you progress and persist in your efforts.

Yet in the world these conditions exist, these negative conditions. They will continue to challenge each one of you on your path. The journey towards light often requires great effort, a push towards light pushing back the darkness. You, beloved souls, must be strong and of great faith. But when you encounter darkness, you must express love, for it is the power of love that diminishes the darkness. It is the power of Truth that confronts the darkness.

Be loving channels, my beloved and beautiful students. Be strong in your efforts to push the darkness back, to bring light forward, to be an instrument of God’s Will, a channel of His Love. You will find that God will lay before you many opportunities. I know that your minds continue to speculate and have trouble realizing that this is the Truth, that God will open many doors, that there will be many travels and experiences and opportunities to serve.

This is coming and this obviously is the Truth as you continue to serve in the world and doors continue to open. Do not be overly concerned if one door closes, or as you say in your world, when one door closes another opens and this also is the Truth. Much is coming, we do not waste any opportunity, beloved souls. There is much work required, much that must happen in your world to bring the changes that are necessary.

So you will find yourself in the midst of many opportunities and often challenging opportunities. Yet with each of these opportunities given, it is a deep gift from God, a great blessing from God, where are you may learn and grow as well as be in instrument to accomplish what is required. Continue to see your efforts in this way, beloveds. Continue to walk in the light of God, to be uplifted and upheld in this light. Know that with each step forward, you bring light, not only to others, but yourself.

There is no step backwards, beloved, not now, not at this stage of your growth and development. There is only forward. Do not hesitate, but continue to be open and aware of your guidance, and the opportunities that the Heavenly Father has and expresses towards your life, your instrumentality, your gifts. May God bless you on the journey, and know that we are all with you, beloved souls. We are all with you and we love you dearly and will continue to walk with you upon this magnificent journey of life and service and love.

God bless you. I am your teacher Augustine. My love, my love is with you, beloveds. God bless you.