Messages 2019

Hold God’s Vision and Do Not Be Distracted

March 28th, 2019

Blackpool, England, United Kingdom

Received by Maureen Cardoso

My dear sister, I am with you, it is Gandhi. It has been a journey, your time in this far-off land, to this healing center. You have come across a book which I inspired you to take into your hands and consider reading through some of these pages. There just now you read a definition of this word meaning non-violence and the practice of love. Is this not what the teachings that you and your beloved friends carry in the Divine Love?

I have watched and observed you and what I wish to impress upon you most importantly from these differences that you see and those who currently are working in the healing center from these practices that you and your beloved friends so desire to implement and continue to be guided to implement into this place and to share with the many beautiful souls the teachings of Divine Love.

My dear sister and friends, it is important to pray and to practice these teachings of truth and love toward these souls, towards this center. Continue to hold the light around this sanctuary. Continue to hold God’s vision within your heart and souls and minds and not be distracted or discouraged by that which is unfolding that you may see out of alignment and created more by the mind of man rather than the Will of God. For this is the way in which your world operates.

But I come to encourage you with the thinking and with the actions to stay uplifted, to remain focused and to allow the Will of God to move through your life. For in your limited vision of your material mind it is not possible for you to see the plan God has. But as you live in your day attuned to your soul, stepping forward as God guides, this will allow you to remain in the flow of God’s Will and the Will planned for your life and the Will planned for mankind.

There is much that can distract one from this place of connection with God. My friends, you know a higher way and you can see and override these limited visions of your material mind by the grace, the truth, the wisdom and the unlimited expansion of possibilities that reside within your soul. So do not limit yourself to what you see before your eyes at this time but hold in your heart the glory that may be the unfolding of God’s Will for this beautiful healing center. Remain with this vision releasing limitations, these limitations from your material mind. Give rise to the potential of love.

Pray for these dear souls. Hold them in the light. Release criticism and judgment for that is darkness. Live in possibilities with an open mind and an open heart to God’s guidance and plan.

When I walked the Earth, guided by God, there were many challenges that came before me. My test was to remain in the Light of God and stay committed and steady with my truth. There is nothing new to teach this world but there is everything to live by the grace of love for this world.

You carry the key to love. First and foremost, you must bring this love into your life, into your soul, into your actions, your thoughts and your way of being. As you walk aligned, hand in hand with God, you will see the many changes unfold before you. You will have an internal strength, walking with a deep purpose, fulfilling that which you have come to this Earth to be a part of.

Remain steady, my dear friends, in everything that is before you and envelop it all in love. Bring everything to God and allow the hand of God to guide you. As you do this, you will know your next steps. You will walk with a certainty connected so deeply to your Beloved Creator, attracting the beautiful angels and teachers into your midst who are here to serve you, to guide you, and to help to implement this great and wonderful plan God has for the balancing and harmonization of Earth.

I am Mahatma Gandhi and I am with you, my dear friends, observing the transformation of your souls, serving in guidance and influence and love for my dear friends who walk upon Earth with a desire to serve God in deep and fulfilling ways. May you each be blessed, my beloved friends, blessed by the Grace of Divine Love within your souls, aligning and harmonizing, awakening the many potentials that await, await your world. God bless you.