Messages 2019

How Faith is Obtained and Changes One’s Life

April 28th, 2019

F.U.S.C, Burnaby, B.C. Canada

Received by Maureen Cardoso

My name is Faith. I reside in the Celestial Kingdom and my soul has been transformed into a Divine Angel by the gift of God’s Divine Love. I would like to speak to you on the topic of faith and how faith is obtained and how living with faith changes one’s life.

All souls yearn to know their Creator. All souls long to be loved. At this time that you are in a physical body, it is often that you look to another human in a physical body for love. This of course is a form of love, the gift of the natural love and a form of this natural love that which is of the highest order is the loving bond between a mother and child. The next love to consider is the loving bond of your soul to God’s Soul. My beloveds, when you learn to listen to the voice of your soul and realize that it is longing for love and the Love of God, you will understand that opening up to receive the Divine Essence of God to flow into your soul is a real thing and it is the Essence that you yearn for.

In your material world you often feed this yearning with many addictions. Addictions are not simply drugs and alcohol, my friends. Addictions are anything that distracts you from God. So there’s greater and lesser degrees of addiction. But when you realize this distraction and you then allow your soul to turn to God for its fulfillment and an inflowing of Love, the release of this disconnection is yours and you are filled with peace and contentment and Love. As you continue to receive this Love and listen to the longings of your soul for this yearning, what comes with this Love is faith and knowing that you are cared for. A deep knowing that God is real. A deep knowing that you are on a journey home toward God.

With this Love comes great healing. Those deep sorrows and darker places that exist within every human are released and healed by this Love. Then what exists within that place that was once darkness, sadness and sorrow, jealousy or anger resides then this Essence of the Divine. This Loving Essence of your Creator now exists within you. As you move forward, continuing to obtain this Love and allowing this clearing and cleansing to occur, your life changes. Your gifts are realized and opened. The attributes that are within your soul are awakened and they are demonstrated within your life. You will find a greater peace that exists within you.

You will also have the desire for this Love and this peace and this joy to be shared with others. Where you may one day find yourself, as these souls who share their path of Divine Love with you today, you too may find yourself sharing with others what it is this great gift of receiving the Essence of the Creator and how it has changed and transformed your life, how your soul is awakening, how the song that God has implanted within you is being sung. Your life will change, beloveds, all for the better. As the soul awakens, there is a great sense of joy and of understanding more deeply who you really and truly are.

You are not these physical bodies. You are not your mind. You are your soul. Your journey upon this Earth gives you the great opportunity to begin the awakening of your soul and to realize the gift that you are, the blessing that you are. So it does take faith my dear friends, your faith to understand that great things will come to you by your deep connection with the Creator. This faith grows in your soul and will compel your soul to continue to return to the Loving Arms of your Creator to be nurtured and comforted and cared for in only the way that God can. So I leave you with that, my dear friends, and I hope that your souls have been ignited with this Love. For it is the Essence of God that will awaken you and bring you to your true selves.

My name is Faith and I thank you for hearing my words. My love is with you. God bless you.