Messages 2019

Open Your Heart to the Love of God

September 7th, 2019

FUSC, Burnaby, BC, Canada

Received by Jimbeau Walsh

I am here your brother and friend, Yogananda. I come here to remind you and to encourage you. This is a Portal of Light, this sanctuary with the light extending all the way to the Celestial Heavens, which makes it quite easy for Celestial angels to be with you today and any time you come here and open up to receiving our guidance and the Love of God.

My dear friends, I feel your hearts where there are wounds. You may have closed your heart for protection. This is a human thing. It is like a clenched fist saying: “Don’t hurt me, I need protection.” I tell you, my beloved friends, open this fist and know that protection is yours. You cannot keep a fist clenched all day long because then it is going to hurt even more than the pain you’re trying to protect yourself from. Open your heart. Allow the Love to come in. Allow the healing to take place that the Creator wishes for you.

This Light that comes in that heals afflictions, that dissolves wounds and barriers, this is yours should you ask for it. I wish to tell you to make use of this beautiful Portal of Light, that you can always come and feel the Love, the Presence, the Light in this place. The universe is vast beyond your imaginings, so it may be hard to imagine in a sense, connecting. Yet you are not even a moment away. You are not a needle nose away.

The Love of God is waiting only for you to be open, to transform your soul from the mere image to the very Substance and Essence of the Creator, to be at one, to feel this Light and Love. I encourage you and invite you on this journey whether you be new or traveling here a long time. We are in this together, so many Celestial angels here with you in this moment, in this Portal of Light, in the Lattice of Love. God embraces you, each heart, each soul. Let us all be in the Light and Love of the Creator.

My love and blessings to all. May the Creator’s Love transform us and Bless each one on this journey. Thank you for letting me be here with you, it is my honor and privilege. And to this one here receiving the message, I thank him as well. God bless you. I love you. I am Yogananda.