Messages 2019

Remove Aspects of Yourself Not of Love

February 5th, 2019

Gibsons. B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

Beloved souls, it is Confucius. I implore you, beloved souls, to make changes in your thoughts and your life that will bring you closer to the Laws of Creation and the Laws of Love. With each day may you make some effort, some choice, some decision to curtail efforts and expressions of your life that are not of love, for you are mortals and human and live in a very imperfect world. You are challenged with each day to be uplifted, to reach for the highest, to come to know and be in the presence of God. And for this to be your reality, your experience in life, you must examine those parts of yourself, those aspects of your life that are not in harmony with love. For God may fill your soul with great blessings of Love but love must be expressed, my dear and beloved souls. Love must come forth forcefully into your lives, into your consciousness, so that you may express this and in time that you may be clear channels of God’s Love in the world. For God needs you, beloveds. He needs for you to be in the Light to such a degree that this blessing of Love may pour through you all in great abundance touching many souls.

I implore you, my beloved souls, to step forward in Light, to examine your behaviours and your thoughts and when you recognize something that is obviously not in harmony with Love, then may you make a choice and an effort to change this. If you have difficulties and struggles in this regard, pray that God may bless you with strength and that God may bless you with the assistance of the angels so that you may overcome whatever barrier or situation that causes you pain and some darkness in your life.

God will bless you, beloved souls. The power of prayer is so underutilized by mortals and yet within this power and blessing can come a great movement towards Light, a strengthening, a great wisdom and a flow of Love that will change you, beloved souls, change you and bring your life into greater harmony. Strengthen your souls with God’s Love and clear your minds of those things that are not of love. In this way, we may come close. God’s blessings may be intensified and touch you all deeply on your journeys.

I am Confucius and I bless you beloved souls who continue to yearn and struggle for Light. May the desires of your souls reach our Heavenly Father and bring the response of Love and healing, peace and Light. God bless you, beloveds. Confucius is with you, more than you know. I and many are with you as you continue to seek for the awakening of your soul in Love. God bless you, beloved souls. God bless you and keep you in Light.