Messages 2019
Replace the Ambitions of the Mind with Those of the Soul
March 2nd, 2019
Adria Hotel, Queens, N.Y. U.S.A.
Received by Al Fike
Ah, to see these young souls together in prayer, how beautiful is this sight? How beautiful are your souls, beloveds. You continue to reach, seek for truth. How you still carry the ambitions, the thoughts for your future within your minds and nurture these thoughts so carefully.
My beloved souls, there are many changes coming to this world. I say to you that if you predicate your ambitions and thoughts upon the present conditions of this world, that you will be sorrowfully disappointed for the conditions of this world are changing and there is much that will change, much that will change in your lives, within the lives of all those around you. So when you pray together, when you open your souls for the blessing of God’s Love, you prepare yourselves for the coming future. You prepare yourselves for what God intends for each one of you. This is the great effort that must be made, to find strength within your souls, to seek knowledge that nourishes your souls, to be an instrument of God’s Will.
It is a far higher ambition than to create within you certain noble desires and efforts and plans that are of the mind. Beloved souls, know God’s plans. Know what is meant for each soul in this world. In this way, you will never be disappointed, beloveds. You will see that many things will unfold in the harmony and blessings of the Father’s handiwork. There will be great rewards, deep, deep rewards for your efforts. This does not mean that you need to throw away your ambitions and your ideas but rather to bring them to God, bring them to God, my beloveds, and God will guide you. If these things are in harmony with God’s creation, with the Laws of Love, then much will come and much fruition will come of your efforts. But my beloveds, do not make your mind the leader of your life for you enter a time in the world where the minds of men and the leadership of men will be dissolved and replaced by love.
Think of this, beloved souls. Think of replacing the ambitions of your mind with the ambitions of your soul and when you wish to serve and all that you wish to serve who are in need are placed in this light, are guided by this light, then the highest outcomes will be achieved and the greatest good will come. Unfortunately, while serving God, you must go day by day, allowing God to formulate the next steps. This is difficult for many of you who have keen minds and many ideas.
Beloved souls, your ideas cannot surpass God’s and God’s ideas and ambitions are perfect and perfectly aligned with His Love and His Laws. It is important to have humility, to walk in grace, to trust in the day rather than to project so far into the future. In this way, when the opportunities come and you are clear, you will have a sense of what is right, what is in harmony. Then you can act with the sense that you are indeed upon the right road.
Beloved souls, every day is a test and a challenge. Every day brings its rewards. Every day informs the next. With faith, all will flow in that great river of God’s Love and come to fruition in ways you cannot imagine at this time, allowing doors to open, allowing opportunities to flourish, allowing your gifts to be manifest with the greatest good so that many, many souls will benefit.
So my beloved, beautiful souls, use wisdom when you plan and step forward in the world. Be strong in faith. Think of love, love above all else. What is love? How will love be manifest? How is love the most powerful healer of all and bring the highest of outcomes in your world?
Beloved souls, know that God’s angels are with you and that we will continue to guide you upon your paths, so unique, so much in alignment provided that you are willing to follow the Will of God. May you hear my words, beloved souls and know that I speak these truths for your benefit, for your guidance, for the strengthening of your light, and for the beauty and wonderment of the work that comes and will come in surprising ways.
May God bless you, beloved souls, and keep you in His Love. I am Seretta Kem and I continue to work with you all as you walk your path day by day. God bless you. God bless you, beloved souls, and I love you.