Messages 2019

Strength and Compassion are Gained by the Struggles Faced

March 25th, 2019

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

This is Keea-atta Kem. Yes, you have questions about healing, healing the soul, healing the body, healing everything within you so that you may experience harmony and joy, the beauty of a life without pain or restriction. How God wishes for each soul to know this joy and freedom, to be in harmony and be free from the human condition that creates disharmony.

My beloved souls, my dear friends, our desire is for you to have this joy and freedom as well, to be uplifted, to be in the light always, to know the deep joy and peace when harmony is within every cell of your body, every part of your soul, every aspect of your spirit body. This is our goal and our desire, and it motivates us in our attentions and ministrations upon your being. As you continue to pray for the Father’s Love, so you step a little closer to that condition of harmony, but the body and the mind and the soul are very complex things.

The body holds memories within every cell. The soul holds the memories of every experience. That which has been painful in your lives, beloveds, is shared between the soul and the body. If you imagine all the millions upon millions of cells in your body and the vastness of the chambers of your soul, these conditions that you carry infiltrate and influence all of these aspects of your being. To flush out these conditions, to bring harmony and peace where there is not harmony nor peace is a complicated matter, beloveds. Even when you are aware of the most powerful healing that exists in the universe, that of God’s Essence flowing into your soul, there are still aspects and parts of your being that resist and parts that are imperfect and vulnerable to pain.

So this complex creature, which is you, is subject to many variables and conditions. It requires a great deal of effort on your part and ours to help ameliorate all these conditions and bring them to harmony. So we ask you to pray and pray fervently, to pray often, to continue to seek God’s blessings and counsel so that your soul may indeed be cleansed and awakened. This glow and light within your soul comforts the body and the mind. In this soothing light, this light of love, there is a greater possibility that the conditions that are not of love and are of pain may fall away, transformed by the power of God’s transforming Love.

Yes this condition of the awakened soul, the inflow of Love, the infiltration of light within you is slow, but it continues relentlessly and must in time bring harmony and release from all conditions that are not of love. But you continue to take an uphill journey wherein the conditions of the material and the human condition continue to push against you. So it is a struggle. It is a struggle.

Yet with the power of faith, the power of your own prayers, the power of God’s Touch upon you, His healing touch may wipe away all these conditions instantaneously. But to be in that place of receptivity, to be open, to be of such faith that rather than plead for relief, there is a sure knowledge that relief will come you must be strong within your souls and within your minds - a clear understanding and a sense of the power of your own faith in God.

In this alignment powerful healings and blessings will come. So this is your challenge, each one of you, to allow God’s Blessings to come in such abundance and power that all that ails you may fall away as God’s Living Waters wash through you and scour out all that is not of love, not in harmony with creation but is of the human condition.

My beloveds, it is a challenge, especially so considering the darkness of this world. So you go hither and yon looking for the solution, looking for relief, looking for peace and joy, but the true and lasting healing comes from God. It is yours at any moment if you but desire this deep within your soul combined with the power of your faith, the power of your love for God, the power of your trust in God so that you may be released from any and all burdens that hold you from at-onement with God and continued service as a channel of love.

My beloved friends, life is full of challenges. The life in this world is imperfect and brings burdens unexpected, pain that detracts from a joyful life but, my beloved and beautiful friends, we continue to pray for your upliftment. We continue to seek for your betterment and healing, bringing light to every aspect of your being and your life. You are not abandoned. None are abandoned, but the challenges of this world are great. The circumstances of each individual in this world are unique. It is a difficult proposition to curtail and heal every circumstance and condition that brings pain to our beloved and beautiful friends, but we do what we can. We try and we pray. We make efforts. We help to heal. We uplift. We embrace. We are your true friends. I would venture to say without your friends with you, my beloveds, how would your life be? How difficult would it be? What conditions would impinge upon your life?

Each of you live a blessed life, a life rich with light and God’s blessings upon you. Because God lays many resources at your feet, at times it is important that you utilize what God gives you for your own benefit rather than plead for another, an angel, or God to take the burden away. There is often a great strength that is gained from these tests, a deeper compassion for others, an understanding of the struggles of this world. So God may test you, but He will not let you bend too far that you may break. Instead he will give you the blessings that you seek provided you put forth your own beautiful light and will and free will to assist yourself in your healing, to be strengthened through your own actions and own ability and the many blessings and gifts that come to each soul bringing wisdom and strength, clarity and love.

Yes each of these conditions and struggles that you all face, beloved souls, has the component of a gift and a blessing, a strengthening and a healing. So God wishes for you to be strong, to face your struggles head-on, to release that which is the instigator of the conditions that are difficult in your life. This challenge and strengthening and healing continues and goes on and on. Yes you all wish that life would be easy, your soul awakened in joy, the many beautiful aspects of your relationship with God to be your moment by moment experience. Ideally this is possible. First you must release the burdens and the conditions and heal the pains and the burdens.

This is your responsibility, beloved souls, as much as it is ours and God’s. Though we all work together, do we not? We all do our parts, make our efforts as you continue to struggle for alignment and perfect grace in your lives. It is not easy, I know. Yes we could take many burdens from you, beloved souls, but does this strengthen you? Does this help you upon your journey of soul awakening, of true spiritual understanding, of the expression of your magnificent soul in this world?

No soul wants to suffer. No individual enjoys the suffering. But unfortunately the conditions of your world ensure that many do suffer, often needlessly. Yet with the power of God’s Love, the Touch of His Grace upon you, you are strengthened and imbued with wisdom and insight as to how to change these conditions and be closer to harmony and light and freedom. Each is given a gift, a gift of life. God does not interfere with that gift for He has given you free will.

Are you strong enough, beloveds, to look honestly within yourself and see what needs to change and be healed and awakened and loved? For to be a clear and beautiful channel of the Father’s Love, these conditions within must be released and healed. So your challenge continues each day and yet God blesses you with many opportunities and openings and much grace to help you on your way, to give you what you require to see and to change.

God is compassionate, deeply compassionate. There is mercy. There is the embrace of His Love. There is light. There is upliftment. It is for you to seek this each day and to be strengthened by it, healed by it and awakened by it. But for this to be, one must be willing to be open to those conditions that do not allow this and to release the burdens of the human condition which you all are subject to, to one degree or another. It is a constant vigil and prayer and effort to be free of this darkness that is so prevalent in your world, to be awakened in light and love.

My beloved, beloved friends, know that we are aware of your pain and your struggles. We too struggled on the Earth. We know that it is not easy and yet we see within each one of you steady progress towards light and freedom. Though at times it may not feel this way, it is true. Your souls continue to brighten and these conditions within continue to be dissolved by the power of God’s Love. You are progressing. You are awakening. You are strengthening. You are finding grace within your life. So I would encourage you, beloved souls, to be uplifted in your thoughts and your expectations and your faith that you are strengthened in love, guided by God as you continue to walk these roads of awakening and service.

God is always with you. We are always with you, and you are never alone. Ask for our help. Ask for God’s Blessings. As you well know, this is the key that shall open the door to that which you seek and that which is promised to you and that which will come. So my dear and beloved friends, may God bless you deeply and uplift you and heal you and give you all that you need to heal yourselves in this complex and difficult world. May every cell of your being be lit with the Father’s Love, every part of your beautiful self be awakened by the Father’s Love, and every truth, every healing, every gift be awakened as you continue to grow in this Love.

God bless you, beloveds. I am Keea. I love you. God bless you.