Messages 2019

Tend to the Gardens of Your Souls

December 15th, 2019

Punalu’u, Oahu, Hawaii, U.S.A.

Received by Jimbeau Walsh

I am here, Francis. I come to speak about the gardens of your souls, these precious gifts. One must tend to one’s garden as the Creator and nature takes care of all the rest. Water your gardens with your prayers, this I ask of you. Check on your growth every day. Allow the sun to come in and raise you up, the sunshine of God’s Love. Allow the rains to nurture your souls with the showering of God’s Grace. Allow the winds to make you strong, the incoming wind of the Holy Spirit bringing the Love. Enrich the soils with the nutrients of faith and hope, charity and forgiveness.

The world is the world and the human condition is what it is. However you may walk amongst this world, amongst the human condition and still be free. With the sight of God’s Love, this Light in your souls, you carry the fragrance of Divine Love to each one, as you bring the gifts of your garden to this world. What a blessing you are.

There are many teachings in the world, there are many intellectual ideas to entice one, many, you might say, perspectives on life, creation and the planets. I do not wish to condemn any of those things as unworthy because your minds require this food. But when you plant the seeds and allow God’s Love to bring those seeds into fruition and the flowers of your soul blossom, you bring this fragrance, this beautiful fragrance to the world.

I encourage you to tend to the gardens of your soul. When you grow a garden on Earth, you can be amazed by how many fruits, how many vegetables, how many flowers can come from a single seed. I promise you, you will be amazed at how many you are touching in this world. There will come a time when you will see the fruits of your labors and The Creator will bestow gifts you cannot imagine in gratitude for your work. For now let us bask in the warmth, in the glory, in the Light and the beauty of God’s Great Love, given to us who have asked. We will continue to ask for there is no end to the blessings. May each one open like a rose.

My blessings to all. My love to all. May God’s Love bless you and change you and keep you in Grace. I am your brother, Francis.