Messages 2019

The Divine Truth is God’s Love

August 7th, 2019

Monroeville, P.A. U.S.A.

Received by Jimbeau Walsh

I have been here listening to your conversation. I want to thank my beloved here for sharing this story about the angels. But I want to correct his story a bit because it wasn’t that I talked to angels, I talked to God. The angels talked to me. Now I am a Celestial. I am in the Celestial Heavens. So I have the privilege of talking to you all.

Please know that the real Truth, Divine Truth, is that God’s Love is available to all, not enforced on any soul but as a gift to any soul that should ask for. I wish to remind you, you beautiful souls here in this room of light, that many have received God’s Love who may have been in error about this or that, this dogma or that, or the other. When you open your soul up and allow God to place His Love in it and change it, this transcends mental beliefs. So please know that Divine Truth is God’s Love. You have come to be open to receiving it, this is the Truth. This is a wonder.

I wish also to speak to this one who has had this vision of Light with these spirits, whose soul has long been seeking and attuned to the Father’s Love. I would say to her, only her mind is in the way of this vision because she has a gift of seeing. When she allows her soul to be completely open to this gift, she will be able to share this with others. So not to worry. All is in God’s time and in God’s Hands. Suspend your doubt and pray.

As my beloved knows, I spent many hours a day in prayer. He now is, as they say, my “boots on the ground”. He finds this humorous as I would imagine since I didn’t really wear shoes. So, my dear souls here, thank you for allowing me to come. There are many, many here with you. This beautiful room in this house is a blessed place. You may be rest assured, this is a place of prayer and a sanctuary. When you come here to pray, we will always be here with you. God’s Love will be showered upon you to the extent that you open up and allow God to open your souls to receive it.

So stay in the Light, my friends and my beloved. Let your worries go. Allow God to direct your lives that you may be in the flow. Be not concerned for the troubles of this world. Just allow yourself to be a blessing to all. Love all. This will make the change that you so wish, not only in yourself but in this world.

May God bless you all. My love to all of you. And to my beloved, thank you. May God bless you all. I love you. I am Care.