Messages 2019

The Experience of Receiving Divine Love

April 11th, 2019

First United Spiritualist Church, Burnaby, B.C. Canada

Received by Maureen Cardoso

Welcome to this Circle of Light, I am Keea-atta Kem. I reside in the Celestial Heavens where I serve God and serve mankind, helping in service with the teachings of the Divine Love and how this great gift, this Love, awakens your soul and awakens the truest part of who you are. Within this circle stands a beautiful Celestial Angel bringing the great power of this Love and Light into your midst, serving each of you. Behind each and every one of you stands another Celestial Angel, there to help you, help you into opening your soul and the ability to receive this great gift of Divine Love. We are all here to serve you.

My beloved friends, your soul is a very unique part of your being. The Divine Love, this great gift, when it flows into your soul and finds a lodgment where it can reside, begins a transformational change of your being. The experience of the receipt of this Love is unique to every individual soul. As the dear one said, it is sometimes challenging to put words into the experience. For God’s Love is a feeling and your soul operates by feeling. You may feel this inflowing of Love into your soul. There may be feelings of warmth, tingles, visions of light that comes toward you, a warmth or a cloak that surrounds you. The expressions are numerous and unique to each individual soul.

When a soul is drawn, such as each of you have been, to come into circle and experience what it is to draw forward this great power and have the assistance of the Celestial Angels and the assistance of this great Portal of Light within this beautiful sanctuary, the experience can be very profound. This helps and assists you along your way, along your path of coming into harmony within your soul, within your body, within your mind.

We wish to invite you to continue to return to such circles as this and also we invite you to add this prayer, to add this still time with your beloved Creator into your day for you will find great transformation comes to you. Much in your life will harmonize, those things that no longer serve you will fall away in a very gentle and natural manner. You will be drawn, more and more your soul will desire to be in that quiet space with God, opening to the blessing and gift of His very Essence, the Divine Love. Your gifts will open and you will serve with these gifts, just as these dear souls are here serving, offering you this place and time and gathering.

The service of God is simple but yet profound. There will be a great desire for your soul to express this beautiful Love that it beholds. For it is one thing to receive the Love, but with enough accumulation of this Love, this Love desires an avenue for action. You will be able to see the world in a different light. You will be able to hold deeper compassion, empathy, understanding and grace for those who are around you.

As this Love accumulates in your soul, my dear friends, your expression of life will be one of love, one of joy and one of sincerity. The deepest sincerity shall be given to God, where you sincerely yearn to come to know and understand the Will of God in your life and the great blessings that your beloved Creator wishes to give to you and through you.

So beloved souls, as you sit opening your hearts and opening your souls to receive this great blessing of Divine Love delivered to you by the Holy Spirit, its messenger of Love, we your Celestial Angel teachers and guides stand with you.

I thank you for hearing my words. May God bless you deeply and may you feel a deep inflowing of this Love into your souls. As you sit in the silence, go deep into your soul and invite God to breathe His breath of Love upon you. God bless you, I am Keea-atta Kem and my love is with you.