Messages 2019

The Lattice of Light Has Many Functions

July 28th, 2019

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

Beloved souls, it is your teacher Augustine who has come to speak to you today, lovely souls arrayed across this world who come together to seek the Father’s Love. Bright souls that you are, beloveds, beautiful souls that you are.

One of you has asked a question about bringing Portals of Light together to connect energetically together. This is not a function of these Portals although there are instruments that will bring such connections through the Lattice of Light that you are building. This Lattice of Light has many functions. It maintains a connection and support for each one of you who are indeed arrayed around the world. It ensures that you are in one sense united in your efforts to be with God and to be an instrument and channel of God in the world. Therefore the power of this interconnectedness helps to sustain the Portals that are being built in your world.

All are interconnected indeed and each serves its function and purpose. But all are sustained by God and all are sustained by your prayers and your communion with your Heavenly Father. It is these heartfelt and soul-longed prayers and efforts to reach God that helps to sustain much in these instruments of communication and connections of Light and Blessings.

So it is difficult for us to explain in detail how these mechanisms work together and to enable you to visualize how this machinery is in motion and works in harmony. But I say to you, beloved souls, that there is much benefit given through these aspects of God’s blessings and these instruments of His manifestations in the world, the flow of His blessings that come to each one of you and the flow of blessings that come through each one of you is sustained and reinforced by these mechanisms.

Yes it all does indeed work together in this devised plan that helps you all, uplifts you all and is meant to help sustain the world in Light. You are each a part of this, for these interlacing threads of Light are manifest through your souls one to another to another. This tapestry and network of interconnected souls is growing and will gain power as each soul is brought into this network. There are many souls whom you do not know but are also a part of this network. We are weaving you all together in order to strengthen the efforts to bring Light to your world, to bring Truth, to bring healing and upliftment. Allow yourselves to be used in this way. Pray that this blessing, this connection continues to strengthen in Love and Light so that all may benefit and you may benefit. This, my beloveds, is indeed strongly connected to the Source of All feeding this network with God’s Blessings, the manifestations of God’s Blessings in the world.

The layers and complexities of this work that you are all a part of cannot be truly understood or visualized until your souls are awakened and able to see with these faculties. I tell you there are many layers. Much is happening through each one of you in this beautiful and complex flow of blessings for the world, a part of God’s plan indeed and a great blessing and boon to you all, beloved souls. May you continue to grow and awaken as you pray for the Father’s Love to enliven your souls. In turn this assists in enlivening this great network of Light. Continue in your efforts, beloveds. Be blessed in your soul’s awakening to God.

God bless you, I am your teacher Augustine and I am with you all often and continue to support and teach and bless and be your angel of Love to help you in this world. God bless you. God bless you.