Messages 2019

We Are Provided For

April 10th, 2019

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Jimbeau Walsh

I am Moses and I come to speak on the subject of God’s care for all of His children. In my time, I went from the riches of the palace to the wanderings in the desert. I wondered, “How will we feed these people? How will they be cared for? Where will we sleep? What will happen to us?” So I prayed and every need was taken care of.

I look in on your beautiful sanctuary. You have things we could not even have dreamed of in our world. You have ways of communication, transportation, access to food, warmth and shelter. You have been provided for so beautifully and you will continue to be provided for. Yes, if you ask you shall receive, but you must ask in faith, as I did. I believed God would provide. Though I did at times have my doubts, I just prayed harder and everything was provided me.

All things will be provided to you. As I told my spiritual grandson here that I have been with for a long time, we shall lead the people to the promised land of God’s Love, which is truly the promised land, where the soul is transformed. You touch on the Celestial Heavens, in these realms where we live and dwell. This is your future. Do not think for a moment that there are not angels, so many angels at your beck and call, working with you, providing for you, the Father providing for us all.

So have faith and do not be troubled. We are there for you. God’s Love has blessed you all and will continue to do so. I send you my love and my blessings. So many of us here watching over you, helping you. We will continue to do so. May God bless you all. I am your brother in God’s Love, Moses. My love to all.