Messages 2019

You Bring God’s Love with Your Presence

June 14th, 2019

World Healing Centre, Blackpool, U.K.

Received by Maureen Cardoso

God bless you, I am Faith. My gracious brother and sister, thank you. Thank you for your service of love. Thank you for your instrumentality, your willingness and your openness to serve, to allow God’s Love to be with you and to shower all of those you come before. What a joy I have just witnessed, my dear brother, you sharing your songs, songs of love, bringing a great unity amongst the souls, bringing joy and upliftment, inspiring and opening the hearts of the two gracious women.

My beloveds, how important it is, your willingness to be open to the daily flow of God’s blessings in your life and allowing your instrumentality to be used. My dear sister here whom I speak through, feels a great strength in having the presence of another who walks this Path Divine. For when there are two people together, the strength, the bond, and the ways in which God’s Love can flow and pour through is heightened. When two souls that walk together in such this way feel great support and a unity and walk with great courage to share the message of God’s Divine Love.

Do you see how there are numerous ways in which the message of God’s Love is spread? For one soul, you have shared a song inspired and this touches the souls of many. This is a most gracious way, sharing music with others. You will have the opportunity as you have seen the doors that flew open and invitations were given for you to share further in this sanctuary, sharing in prayer, sharing your words and your journey and sharing more song.

I was with you as you walked through this beautiful building, seeing the many changes that have occurred and are still underway. It is a blessing, these changes and the community is feeling the strength by coming to this beautiful building, this Center of Light. You will continue to see these many changes bring forth this great community. Do not concern yourself with the various programs that you will see unfold. For those things that are of Light will remain and those things that are not harmonious will fall away.

Your great task is to share love, compassion, understanding, acceptance and joy with others. It’s allowing God to work through you, showering the many gifts upon each person before you. Allow your souls to be ignited and to have this great love pour out to all. So much happens behind the scenes that you are not aware of and nor you need to be aware of but trust and have faith that the instrumentality that you bring gives the great opportunity for God and your Celestial angel friends to serve through. It is very important, your presence in this sanctuary. During your stay continue to have your prayers in this sanctuary, strengthening the Portal of Light. It is a blessed journey, though short and we have done much already.

My dear sister, to use your expression, although you feel like you are a fish out of water, we wish to comfort you and let you know that your presence here has been very important once again. Allow yourself to be blessed by God’s Love and bring those blessings forward. Not one minute has been wasted. Your smile and your joy is felt by all.

Beloved souls, we are overjoyed that you walk into this center and you walk upon the streets of this most gracious place in great need of light. You hear the local people’s stories. It is our desire that great light comes to this beautiful center and this city. We all play our part. You bring a great flow of God’s Love with your presence. You are both deeply blessed as all who walk the Path Divine as clear channels for God also are greatly blessed. May you enjoy your time together strengthening one another in prayer and support and communion.

God bless you. I am Faith and my love is with you. God bless you.