Messages 2019

Your Thoughts have Great Power

November 17th, 2019

Ancient Gardens, Eudlo, QLD, Australia

Received by Maureen Cardoso

I am here, I am Lotus Blossom. You draw me near with the opportunity for my dear charge to share with you the rapport we have and that we have developed. My greatest soul gifts work in the healing arts. So those souls who have gifts of healing, as this dear instrument does, we can work through them and with them as they are administering healing and channeling healing energies for the dear souls who come to be relieved of pain, whether that be of the physical body, the emotional body, or the spiritual body. The soul body requires God’s Love for its healing.

What I wish to share with you is the very importance of your thoughts for your thoughts have great power. Often you are not even aware of the thoughts that ruminate within you behind the scenes. You are not aware of them in your conscious mind. When you bring in this prayer of God’s Divine Love, receiving this Essence and this Energy, it helps you to have thoughts that are of a higher condition. The body relaxes as the mind relaxes. The flow of energies through your body then becomes able to be freer, free-flowing. The health of your body is thus much greater. For your thoughts have a quality of light within them. Depending on the frequency or the vibration of these thoughts, this light then streams through you.

When your thoughts are of a higher nature, the frequency that your body vibrates at on a cellular level is a higher frequency and vibration. There is a greater liveliness within your cells, so great that it can help them to re-generate and your body can heal. For your body is very intelligent and it has the capacity to heal itself. It is greatly unfortunate that the human condition, the thoughts of man are so heavy. If you could see from our point of view as we look down upon your Earth, it is blanketed with a grayness and in some areas, a great darkness. This is partly due to the thought condition of mankind.

So your job, beloved souls, the importance of being responsible for what you allow to stream through you, has a ripple effect upon humanity. You may think that how can I, one individual, make a great change to my world that is suffering? But, beloved souls, your work is to ensure that your soul awakens, that you carry good thoughts and that you take care of your physical body. By bringing in the gift of God’s great Divine Love into your souls, you will have the strength, the desire and the ability to make change and to shift in the exact way that you know you need to.

You do not need another person to tell you what it is that you need to do to make change. If you give yourself the chance, the opportunity to allow your soul, your intuition to guide you, beloveds, you have all of those answers available to you. But it is unfortunate what we observe is how you ignore this wisdom which is within you. Each one of you do this. You ignore this intuitive and innate structure within you that is guiding you. We do not judge this but we do say it is a truth.

So each one of you, beloved souls, has a great responsibility to be you, to discover who you are, and to honour who you are. Honour it with grace, with kindness, with love and with openness for God has created you uniquely. Who you are is not matched by another person. Jealousies, competitiveness, these things, beloveds, inhibit the grace of who you are and the discovery of who you are. We understand that there are many distractions in your life that take you away from this discovery, but you allow these distractions to be in your life. You nurture these distractions.

As you become aware of the responsibility that you individually carry to fully become who you are, your light, the brightness of soul that you are, the beauty and your gifts, the harmony that will come into your life, will drive you forward. As your soul begins to awaken by the gift of God’s Divine Love, your soul will be compelled to express itself. The journey is long. The journey can be painful as these things are lifted from your soul but I would encourage you to take the journey to awaken your soul. For it is your soul and your spirit body that transition from this life into the next life, into our side of spirit.

So though these many material distractions seem important to you at this point in time in your life to a lesser or greater degree, what I wish to encourage for each of you is to hold a great desire and understanding that is your soul that moves forward into the light, that it is compatible with its soul condition in spirit. As you bring in this prayer practice for Divine Love, you will carry that forward in spirit. You will continue to awaken in the spirit world where there are many beautiful experiences to have. Learning continues. Those gifts that you carry will continue to awaken in spirit. Perhaps one day, as you transition into the Realm of the Celestial Heavens, you too will have the opportunity to come and speak through an instrument such as I am doing now to give guidance, to share love and to share the encouragement of awakening. For your Celestial friends were once in human form so we understand your pain and your struggles. We understand the gift of Divine Love awakening the soul so that we are in alignment with God’s Will and desire to serve. Part of our service is to come and nurture and guide and teach the beloved children of Earth.

I thank you for hearing my words. I hope that I have touched your souls in some way and your minds in some way to inspire you to come to know who you are in truth. God bless you, beloved souls. I am Lotus Blossom and my love is with you. God bless you.