Messages 2020

A Beautiful Thread of Light between each Soul and The Creator

December 7th, 2020

Punaluu, Oahu, Hawaii, U.S.A.

Received by Jimbeau Walsh

I am here Hafiz the poet.

I come in God’s Love my brothers and sisters in the circle of love as each one opens their heart. As the world turns as the planets spin, you can rest in the magnificence of creation in the safety and the knowing that you are not going to crash into the Sun. Let the touch of the Creator be upon you that you may be a star in the firmament, lighting up the sky. That your soul be a vessel of love pouring out a wine that transforms and heals each thirsty soul on this path. Let the Great One fill you with the Love Divine that your vulnerable heart will be lifted on the wings of His Love.

I can tell you in my journey I gave up worrying as it wasn’t worth a dime! In my dance, with the beloved Creator, I was able to let go. I was able to be present, to be a gift, and the words that flowed through me to this day touch many. But let it be known I am not the same soul as I was when I was on earth writing those words. Blest as I was, I am now a transformed soul in the love of God, one who lives in the Celestial realms.

It is difficult to describe the glories and magnificence of being a soul transformed to the earthly mind. So let me put it to you this way: when God touches your soul, and you allow yourself to just be, in the presence of His Love, in the light of grace, spinning around the solar system on a most beautiful planet in the embrace of the Creator’s Love in a universe beyond your imaginings, there is this beautiful thread of light and of love between each soul and the Creator. May you stay in this bliss and this joy in this Love this gift from above. May every soul be blest, every heart be healed, every being be at one with God. I thank this one for articulating my soul message and I send you each love in the embrace of God. I am your brother and friend in the Divine.

I am Hafiz the poet.