Messages 2020

Become a Star 

July 21st, 2020

Punaluu, Oahu, Hawaii, U.S.A.

Received by Jimbeau Walsh

I am here Judas and I come to the reluctant one to give you a few thoughts. Have you ever wondered why people wish to become celebrities, to become famous? Perhaps you know already that this is a desire on one one hand to share gifts and on the other to be loved. When people attain this status in the world this thought becomes a major consideration: “Shall I rest on the laurels and bask in the love and adoration of humanity or should I take my good fortune and whatever gifts I have been given and give service to the world?” This is of course a human example and I would say an obvious one.

For you whose souls wish to receive the Love and to have this Love of God you don’t need to be celebrities but you can serve and share and take your candle from under the table and let your light shine on every being that you may truly be a star in the firmament of God’s Kingdom. This is our wish for you that you may be this light to lead others out of darkness and that they may feel your love with their souls and wish it for themselves. 

Sometimes you plant seeds and depending on where they fall the results may vary. But you know when they fall on fertile ground and they are cared for and watered, in this case in the Love of God, in the living waters, those seeds will grow. So one needn’t be concerned beyond being a light and a love in this world in the Grace of God.

I am pleased with this one for taking this message and how he has received and I shall come again. With all my love I am your brother and friend in Christ. I am Judas of Kerioth