Messages 2020

Belief in God’s Love Transcends all other Beliefs

January 1st, 2020

Punaluu, Oahu, Hawaii, U.S.A.

Received by Jimbeau Walsh

I am here Francis. It is a new year for all of you and as you welcome it in prayer, we join you. You may wonder: “What do I take with me into this new year and what do I leave behind?” I would say, it’s a bit like putting on a new coat for a new season when you walk into a new era in your lives, wearing this coat of protection, the Celestial guidance and the warmth of God’s Love in each one of you. I left my coats behind. So many material things were offered to me, but when I saw the Light, I realized that I would only take my soul with me into the next world and that all these material things, aside from the bare necessities, were not necessary. So I laid them down as burdens and they were burdens. I lifted up into the Light in prayer with my friends, as you are with your friends for God to open up your souls.

This path that you have chosen does not require you to give up all your material things. But it does require you to know what is important and to know that your soul is what you take with you, in this world and the next. Your souls, your beautiful souls filling with Light, filling with the Love of God. You know this is the greatest gift, not only to receive, but to share with others. So I say, as you walk into the new year, beyond all the material gifts, give the gift of God’s Love to all. Allow this beautiful gift to be your present to the world. The Presence of God and His Love, this great Gift, you can share with all, whether you speak or whether you are silent, because you carry this. Though you may not see it, you can feel it, as the world will feel it. This will be your gift, should you choose to share it.

This is what we did back in my day on Earth and we seemed quite ridiculous to many. I think we provided a lot of amusement for people, walking around in our simple clothes and praising God and singing, eating simply, praying and praying. But you know, to this day, the world acknowledges that gift that we received and left. So I am here with you to share that.

I wish to add for you all that my brothers and my beliefs were quite simple, or as you would say, orthodox. We believed in the tenets of the Catholic Church and the trinity and the crucifixion of Jesus and his Godhood and all these things that, as you know, are in error. But the one thing we believed in above all else was that our prayers could connect us with God’s Love and that transcended all those things. So as you walk into the world, the world of belief and dogma and error and materialism, take this present of God’s Love with you. Offer to pray with all, that all may receive this Gift that you are blessed with.

I embrace you all. I support you all, as we all do. I leave you with my love and my wish for God’s blessings to be yours. I love you. I am your brother and friend, Francis.