Messages 2020

Brothers in God’s love

June 25th, 2020

Punaluu, Oahu, Hawaii, U.S.A.

Received by Jimbeau Walsh

I am here Care. Dear brothers, is there anything more precious than a true friend in God’s love on this earth? Someone to pray with, someone that despite whatever distance there is, God will touch you and the angels be with you as we are all together right now. How beautiful those words from Andrew and the many here touching you with their love, the Love of the Father.

I was privileged to have my beloved with me in prayer towards the end of my journey on earth, and I was with him today as I am with him now. And we prayed together and I lifted him up and I embraced him that he would know we are together. So brothers you are blessed in so many ways but above all things you are blessed in the brotherhood of God’s Love and the friendship that causes one brother to call another and say: “Let us pray brother, I need a prayer, let us ask the angels.” And yes, we come and as Andrew said: “How we love you.”

I am your sister and a friend and mate of my beloved - a redeemed soul in the Celestial heavens where the love of God shines on all. May it shine on you. I love you. I am Care.