Messages 2020

Carry the Love in your Souls

May 24th, 2020

Punaluu, Oahu, Hawaii, U.S.A.

Received by Jimbeau Walsh

I am here Eileen. I have been following your conversation and believe me I can feel the intentions of your hearts and your souls. This wish you have to connect with my beloved Findhorn that is a result of my asking you to bring God’s love there. It is not so far off as you might imagine.

I encourage you to maintain the connection in whatever way you feel guided to do. And as I have said before if you go in person the love that you carry in your souls will shine a light, it will be recognized, and it will open doors. So, this one I am speaking through, I ask him be not discouraged or disappointed for you carry the love as do the dear sisters. However many of you can go, and enjoy the experience please know they will experience you and God’s love through you. You will touch those you need to, the door is not closed.

Let us stay in our souls and above all things stay in the prayer for God’s love, shine the light, be the way and the path to all those you encounter. How we love you. I love you and thank you. I am your sister in Christ, I am Eileen.