Messages 2020

Encouragement to Bring the Truth of God’s Love to Others

February 28th, 2020

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

Thank you for gathering, my beloved and precious friends on the Earth plane. My name is Michael Collier and I think that some of you do not know of me nor have heard me speak in these Circles that are so unusual yet so beautiful in their light and love. I was born in London a few centuries back and did not live an extraordinary life but a rather mundane one. I did not do anything in my life that would garner any note or recognition in history. I was an average man who lived an average life. When I transitioned into the spirit world, I knew nothing of this place. Like so many in your world, I was uneducated as to the spiritual nature of myself and of the continuation of life. So it took some time for me to adjust and understand my plight. Yet I was a man who was in a measure of light and therefore went to a sphere in spirit that was not dark. There were many who helped me along my way and my understanding, as there are many in the spheres of spirit who are assisting those who transition knowing nothing of their plight.

I say all of this, my friends, because I want to encourage you to continue to teach these Truths of God’s Love, the Truths of the continuation of life, the Truths of our true natures, helping others to understand and explore their true natures, their own souls in relationship with the Creator, our Heavenly Father. When you are aligned with this task and committed to bring through Light to others, you make a big difference in the world. You add a measure of light, a measure truth, a measure of love, as you live a life that is in closer alignment with God. I ask you to take measure of your efforts, to look at what you might do to bring these Truths to those who are around you and are quite ignorant of such things.

The world continues in its frenetic pace, all is a busyness and distraction. So I understand how difficult it is to gain the attention of those who are in need of Truth and yet do not understand or know their own need. Yet as you continue to grow in Light, the beautiful souls that you are, you will have an effect upon those around you. You will bring a gift, a blessing, a touch of love, a word of truth, some comfort, some understanding to those who you encounter during your day.

God uses you in many ways, my friends. There are many opportunities. Not that you are required to spend each and every moment concerned and aware of what is possible as God’s channels. For, much of what happens is below the surface, as you would say, and touches souls in this subliminal way. There are times and opportunities where you may speak, where you may serve in some small way to assist your brothers and sisters in the world.

All of the elements and aspects of service, of being a channel for God, are available to you in every moment of every day. What is required of you my friends is a prayer desiring to be used as His channel and as God sees fit. In this way you will build a greater light within yourselves. You will begin to see more clearly the subtleties of the service of the soul. You will walk in the world as a light that is growing ever brighter as you continue to progress in this great journey of love and at-onement with God.

Be of great faith and know that God uses you. Pray that God may use you and you will see how doors will open, experiences will be had as you make your way through each day of your life. Many will be drawn to you. Many will benefit from your light. Some will actually understand and acknowledge your words as you tell them of this great gift, the boon that is God’s Love for every soul.

Be at peace my fellow travelers upon this path. Know that God cares for you, protects you, shows you the way as you continue to step forward in life, and that all will come to pass in a beautiful expression of a soul awakened in the Truth of Love, in the glory of the Light of this Love within you, in the wonderment that is life blessed by this Gift. All will come to you in time as you continue to grow, as you continue to pray, as you continue to hone your senses that are of the spirit and all things spiritual that is a part of you and is coming alive with each day, with each prayer.

You will know your true selves, my friends. You will find a great joy and satisfaction in this knowledge. You will see your way upon a path that God has placed before you as you are surrounded by your angel friends who are eager to walk with you and assist you upon this journey and assist you upon your desires to serve as an instrument of God.

Much is awaiting all of you. You have been told this over and over again and it is a truth that though you just begin a great and wondrous journey, it is important that you realise that there is indeed much awaiting. Be eager and be joyful, seeking for the highest. Come to God as much as you can for each time you tug on this cord of the soul in prayer, you will be blessed and will be increased in Light.

May God bless you, my friends. Thank you for listening to me today and I will come again some other day and speak to you about things of the spiritual nature and the soulful awakening. May God bless you. I am Michael Collier. My love is with you all. God bless you.