Messages 2020
Keep walking forward
October 19th, 2020
Punalu’u, Oahu, Hawaii, U.S.A.
Received by Jimbeau Walsh
I am here your brother in God’s Kingdom where His love reigns supreme, I am Kahlil Gibran. When I wrote on earth I was guided by my angels. I very well knew this and often did not even consider myself the author of what came through. And yet, because I received in my soul, I was the co-author. If however, one was to read my letter to my brother or my friends and examine my life one might see a very different picture. A picture of the mind and a picture of the material world.
And so my life was a dichotomy of the earth realm touched by spirit. It may surprise you to know that so is your life. There is your material self and your life and all the accompanies it in trials and tribulations and in triumphs, and then there is your soul reaching out opening to God’s love. For the spiritual life does create a kind of, for lack of a better word, I will say schizophrenia, where there are two selves. And I want to speak on this because I wish to you to not be in the least bit concerned as your old self, your material self begins to fall away as a morning fog with the sunrise burning it away in glorious brilliance and all the colors that come with the light. One does not miss the darkness and yet even at night you have the stars to guide you. I wish you to see God’s love and the guidance from the Celestial realm as the brightness of the Sun and the stars in the Heavens, transforming you and the angels guiding you.
Whenever I was concerned that I had fallen back into a state that I was somewhat perhaps ashamed of, or of how far I could fall, it was difficult at times to come back to harmony. So I would pray and my soul would open and my spirit soar and the angels would come and I would be lifted by what came through. The world that embraced my writings was able to feel with their souls the import above the mind. And though I had not thought of my most popular works as being my most significant, even those works live on. I would refer you all if you are interested to read the “Song of Soul”, the “Song of Love”, or “on Wisdom”, or “on Music”, for these reflect the longings in my soul that I feel would resonate with many of you on this beautiful path. Keep walking forward for as you walk into the the light of God’s love, and as you begin to feel the transformation of your soul, you realize you needn’t look back except perhaps to see how far you have come. What a blessing!
My dear brothers and sisters and my friend, thank you for allowing me to speak thus and come through. May God bless each one of you with His love, with His light, with His grace. I am your brother in Christ, Kahlil Gibran. God bless you.