Messages 2020
Make Prayer to God a Priority to overcome Your Barriers to Him
November 22nd, 2020
Gibson, B.C. Canada
Received by Al Fike
May God bless you with His Love, my beloved students, I am Augustine. I come to address your prayer life outside of this circle. These circles that you attend together are important and we have expressed our deep desire that you continue to come together in this way for you make a powerful light in the world, a light which we may use and God may use in order to reach many souls in your world. This is indeed an important endeavour and beautiful practice as you pray together for the inflowing of the Father’s Love and pray to be used as instruments of His Love and care in the world. And we wish for you to see your efforts here, these Circles of Light that you form, as acts of service for humanity and another opportunity to receive the gift of the Father’s Love.
But what is of most importance to your soul is to take time daily to be in close communion with God, to set aside a time each day or even several times a day so that you may be with God in prayer asking to receive the gift of His Love, being in communion with the angels, with your own soul, and with God. In this way, you open up the possibilities of awakening your soul more deeply and thoroughly, for it is the time that you spend to receive this gift of Love that is the key that unlocks all of the potentials and possibilities of your soul.
In unlocking these potentials and gifts with the empowerment of the Divine Love, then your efforts and participation in such circles as these and your endeavours to be a channel of love in the world through your daily interactions becomes a powerful medicine for healing, for love and comfort to many. As you progress, your soulful progress, so it is reflected in everything that is within your lives, and you will see a great shift and change in your daily lives.
I do not intend to criticise you, for I do not but merely to encourage you. Encourage you in prayer, encourage you to take that time, to clear away all the distractions and conditions that are in your life and in this world of yours and set yourself into prayer asking that God will put His cloak of protection around you, asking that God will uplift your soul, and asking that God through His Holy Spirit may open the way to receive the gift of His Love, such a simple prayer beloveds.
With the present times, it is not difficult to set aside some time for God. Even when you do not feel inspired or even in prayer uplifted, may I suggest that you continue in your routines, that you make a daily commitment because it is in this commitment, in this consistent effort that you will break through the barriers to God and the barriers to your own soul.
Indeed, every life is unique. Every situation is unique. There are those living a life which lends itself to prayer, for it is a quieter life. There are those who are very engaged in all the demands that are around them. Yet if you ask God to clear away those demands that are constant, to bring an avenue of possibility to pray, then God will answer your prayers and your circumstances will change so that these possibilities are available to you.
There is nothing that God cannot do to assist you in your efforts to be in alignment with Him. There is no task too great that you cannot ask for assistance, that harmony may come into your lives, that you may adjust your attitudes and desires so that they are in greater alignment with this soulful need and purpose to pray. Much is given to you, beloved souls. All that you require is given provided you are sincere and truly desire to be awakened in your relationship with God and His blessing of Love.
You will not be forsaken even in those times when you may feel you are not with God and that it is difficult to pray. Know that there is always progress within the soul as the blessing of His Love continues to do its work within. Though the mind may be elsewhere and the spiritual conditions that you carry may be inharmonious with this beautiful awakening within you, know that there is always movement forward, progress of the soul and that when there is a time of resistance and difficulty or distraction that this will be followed by a time of upliftment, of opening and realisation of the soul.
These conditions that are contrary to the soul are not permanent but they are often a measure of the human condition, the earthly condition in which you reside and are a part of and thus there is a challenge. Thus you must overcome whatever that condition may be, whatever that blockage, as you call it, may be. Finding your own soul and engaging in the prayerful endeavours to awaken your soul is not an easy endeavour in your world.
Often, in the beginning, the angels come close and make great effort to help you realise what it is that you are seeking, helping you to overcome many of the constrictions that keep you from a conscious realisation of these blessings. Great effort indeed is made with each sincere soul who seeks the truth, who seeks God and His Love, but this cannot be forever. One must stand on their own two feet in time. So, as a child learns to walk, so a soul must learn to express itself to God in all sincerity and intensity in order to strengthen and forge it’s relationship with the Creator.
So we give you periods where you are challenged, where you must indeed make greater effort. There is often a response in frustration of being abandoned, of not having that which you have and a feeling that it is lost forever. My beloved children, you will not be lost forever. You are in God’s great care but God’s intention is for you to awaken, to strengthen, to reach a certain level of maturity of the soul and the mind. For you to realise that a certain amount of discipline and intention and desire are necessary for the Laws to be invoked so that you soul may be awakened.
Each of you here, this beautiful circle of soul-lit individuals are being blessed and guided forward in their progress towards awakening the soul and eventually to at-onement with God. We cannot determine the pace in which you progress, beloveds souls, for you determine the pace by your efforts, your sincerity, your desire and your prayers. You determine all that comes to you through the power of your free will, through the power of a soul which deeply desires the Touch of God. None are forsaken, but all are guided upon their own individual path which is often determined by your thoughts and intentions and your efforts in prayer.
May God bless you upon the path that you have taken. May God assist you in removing those barriers to Him. May God’s Love continue to pour upon you as it does constantly and consistently. May you feel the great blessing of His Love and know it to be true and real. Know that you are truly loved and that we are close. There is nothing that can hold us from you other than yourself. When that time is when you feel a distance, look within and try to see that which keeps you away and pray for the healing of those obstructions, those barriers to God.
God bless you, beloved souls. I am your teacher Augustine. I am glad to come to you today to encourage you upon your path, to help you overcome your barriers and challenges, to inspire you to greater things, to greater things with God. God bless you. My love is with you, beloveds. My love is with you.