Messages 2020
Mediumship Requires Dedication to Developing a Relationship with God
April 3rd, 2020
Gibsons, B.C. Canada
Received by Al Fike
Beloved souls, I am Seretta Kem and I am very pleased to see so many who are serious about this venture and have a desire to communicate with us. So few in your world have this desire or even an inkling of what is possible. To bring forth the wisdom of the angels will be a great gift to each one of you, beloved souls. I wish to assure you that an angel has been assigned to you as you continue upon this trajectory. You will be given inspiration, blessings and experiences as you continue in your efforts to pray for God’s Love each day
So I would urge you to be aware, to sensitise yourself to your soulful experiences in prayer, to put forth to God, asking that your gifts may be opened and opened in harmony and within the timing that is in harmony with your soul development. This is an aspect of the development of your soul, my friends, the awakening this faculty of communication with your angel friends. You will come to know this part of yourself more clearly as you continue together on this journey of awakening. So much is waiting for each one of you. So much can be given to each one of you provided you are open and receptive and provided you are dedicated to the development of your soul in relationship with God’s Great Soul.
This is the very foundation of your journey. It is vitally important that you dedicate yourselves in prayer with each day so that God may lay the foundations for your gifts to manifest and flourish in your material life. These gifts are powerful. These gifts carry responsibility. These gifts can be of great use to God in His efforts to bless your brothers and sisters in the world. It is an act of humility to ask to be used as God’s channels of Love and Truth in the world. It requires humility. It requires faith. It requires that you endeavour to walk in the world in light, to not indulge in behaviours, actions and thoughts that are not in harmony with love. The more you can be aligned with God in love and truth, the greater your gifts will manifest, the closer you will be with us who are all too eager to establish a firm rapport with each one of you.
It is a serious journey. It is a journey that will bring many surprises. It is the opening of doors unanticipated, unrealized up until now. You will see yourself seeing the world much differently. You will find yourself seeing those around you and yourself much differently. For the perceptions of the soul give a wisdom and depth of understanding that is far beyond the capacities of your material mind.
So much can be given, my friends and so much is waiting for your efforts. In comparison to the efforts you make, those that we make on your behalf are far greater, for we have the capacity and ability to be the nursemaids for the opening of these gifts. Our gifts will benefit you and we are eager to help you awaken.
May you continue upon your journey of soul in relationship with your Heavenly Father, awakening in God’s Love. For it is that gift, the greatest gift of all, the highest gift that will bring all that you desire and all that you require in order to bring about these gifts of communication. May God bless you upon that journey, protect you always, and inspire you to seek for the highest, to be in alignment with God.
God bless you. I am Seretta Kem and I will continue to speak to you and assist you as you learn and grow and awaken to these great potentials of the soul. God bless you. May His Love continue to flow into your souls. May you come to see the wonderment of your own soul and the wonderment of God’s Great Soul. God bless you. God bless you all. My love is with you.