Messages 2020
Pray to Discern the Will of God in Your Work
October 10th, 2020
Gibsons, B.C. Canada
Received by Al Fike
I am Jesus. I come to bless you all in your efforts and your desires to serve God and serve your brothers and sisters in truth. I come to assure you that the angels are with you in this effort, that God’s Hand does indeed rest upon you, that you are upon a journey that will bring you to many places and experiences and spiritual awakenings that will enhance your life and your gifts which will flow as the Will of God manifests through each one of you.
These are not idle pursuits, beloved souls. This has serious and deep purpose and you must all continue to pray about these things, to discern the Will of God in your work, to come to know through the faculties of your souls, the guidance that God has to give to each one of you. I come to bless each of you in these efforts that you make. I come to tell you that there are others who will join you upon this journey and that there will be a deep and powerful outcome of truth and light in the world from your efforts. God does not lead you down a path that is unproductive. But when God leads you and blesses you upon a path, know that all are blessed, even your families and loved ones and those who are associated with you, those who are a part of these efforts. All are blessed as you continue to glean the truth of what it is that you are to do and the truth of the awakening of your souls to your purpose, the outpouring of love through you and the outpouring of truth expressed in creative and beautiful ways.
You will find your way, beloved souls. Know that I walk with you and many from the Celestial Kingdom will walk with you upon this journey of love, upon this expression of deep soul yearning to bring truth to humanity. God bless you. How deeply each of you are loved, how deeply. You will find yourselves working together in many ways as you journey forward upon the path that God has designated for each of you as you come together in this light, the truth of God’s Love carrying you forward in service, in joy, in truth. Blessed are you, beloved children, who seek and have found the way of the soul. God bless you, God bless you deeply.