Messages 2020

The Christmas present of Divine Love

December 22nd, 2020

Punalu’u, Oahu, Hawaii, U.S.A.

Received by Jimbeau Walsh

I come in the Love of God and I am Yogananda. I too come to celebrate the birth of Jesus and the advent of Christ, the Love of God in his soul. It is this great gift, this Christmas present in the presence of God. It is not complicated this path. If it were, it would quite difficult for those who are not intellectual or technical or even literate. For many of the great ones became as children before God, in the simplicity of prayer, in the innocence of faith, as a child trusts in a parent all of God’s children can trust in him. It is a matter of the heart.

When you come with a heart that vulnerable, a heart willing to open to the love of God, God showers your soul with His love. Each one of you is a dedicated follower of the Master and the teachings of the truth of Divine love, giving your time to God, Who has blessed you mightily and will continue to do so. Whenever you come in sincere faith, whenever you come with deep aspirations, whenever you allow you heart to be open to God, God opens His heart to you and opens your soul.

In this beautiful circle of light there are many here blessing you. If you need a healing this is the time to ask. And for those you know who need healings, send your love to them. Let us send our love, the Love of the Father in our souls out to the World. This Christ consciousness, this sacred heart, this glow of Divine love, let us bring this gift to the world. And as you have been told many times there is no greater gift, there is no more magnificent a present to give. I tell you the Master is blessing every soul in this circle in this moment with his light and his Love in the grace of the Creator. You are blessed. You are blessed. With all my love I wish you each a joyous and holy and blessed Christmas and Hanukkah season. Go in the grace of God. I am your brother in Christ. I am Yogananda.