Messages 2020
The Gates of the Celestial Heavens Will Not be Closed for Millennia
February 4th, 2020
Gibsons, B.C. Canada
Received by Al Fike
I have come to be with you, beloved souls, I am Jesus. I have come to uplift you in your prayers and walk with you in your daily lives as you struggle and yearn for Light and Truth. I am with you as you pray to the Heavenly Father, seeking His Benediction of Love within your souls. I am with you when you feel downtrodden and have troubles in your world. I am with you in the joy of life. I am with you always, beloveds. For you are my brothers and sisters and I continue to embrace you all in my prayers and efforts to bring Light to your world.
I have never stopped in these efforts. Since the beginning, my purpose has been to declare the Good News of God’s Love for all and have continued to do so for all these many years and shall continue to do so for all eternity. For, it is this message of Love, this Grace of God that needs to be known by all. In this will come the upliftment of humanity, the awakening to Truth, simple yet powerful, that infects the soul through the gift of the Father’s Love and comes from the awakened soul to the minds of men so that they may change their ways and release those conditions that are not in harmony with God. It is the power of Love that shall change the course of humanity’s continued journey of life upon your world. It is Love that will dispel the darkness and bring untold blessings and wondrous experiences of Light and Truth and Love to all who seek this Gift.
I am with you and I am with you all in this world, as you continue to yearn for the Light, to yearn for Truth, to yearn for God. His Love shall continue to pour upon you all, beloved souls. Know the doors to the Kingdom will not close soon, beloveds, but remain open for many, many millennia to come, so that all may receive and know this Gift and make this choice to enter into the Kingdom through receiving the gift of Love from God. You will all enter this Kingdom, beloved souls, in time. You will all be escorted upon that journey, for God gives to you the great gift of His Love and with this gift is the blessing of your angel friends who come to protect, to bless, to inform you upon this journey. All the angels of heaven are eager to reach out to humanity that they may be uplifted in Truth, that they may understand the true meaning of life, the true purpose of life, the true wonderment of life.
I am with you and I shall never leave, beloved souls. I shall never leave for we are brothers and sisters all upon this great Path of Love, this journey to at-onement with God. God bless you, beloveds. God bless you deeply within your souls, each of you precious to God, each of you Loved by God, each of you cared for with every breath by God’s tenderest care and Love for each of you. God bless you. God bless you, beloved souls. I am Jesus.