Messages 2020

Walk the Road of Love as a Child of God

October 20th, 2020

Gibson, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

How sweet the sound of your soul yearning for God. How beautiful is the light of your souls that have been touched by the blessings of God’s Love? How much joy it gives us in the Celestial Kingdom to watch you grow and awaken in light and love though I know within your minds you often think that you are not moving forward in love, that you have not fulfilled the edict which I have proclaimed that thou shalt love your brothers and sisters and love yourself and love God and all of God’s Creation. I come as your brother, beloveds. I am Jesus and I come to encourage you.

To walk the road of love is to be a child of God. To be a child of God is to put aside your doubts, your worries, your judgments and be in the Grace of God. Have faith that God indeed is touching your soul with His Grace, His Love that continues to emanate from His Great Soul. As we have said on many occasions, the world needs those who are willing and who desire to be in this light, to live in this light, to walk as a channel of light in the world, bringing the blessings of God through each and every one of you. For all the many souls who are lost and in darkness, it is important for you to pray and ask for the blessings of healing, comfort, light and truth for these lost souls. The angels of Heaven pray for every soul upon your world. We seek to minister to those who are receptive. How wonderful it is that through your prayers you may draw us close, that through the desires of your soul, you draw the beautiful blessing of God’s Love into your souls. Continue to seek this gift. Continue to be in this light. Continue to walk upon this path, for you will gain such benefits, so many rewards for your efforts for you have ignited the Laws that will bring the transformation of your being, your soul so that you may be in greater harmony with God. It doesn’t matter what you call this blessing. What matters is that you acknowledge it, that you come to believe in it, and have faith in its transformative qualities.

As is so often the case, many have trouble truly understanding this gift for they seek understanding through their mind’s eye and intellectual capacities. But indeed the truth comes with your experience of knowing and feeling the Touch of God and building upon your faith so that you may not be doubtful, that your minds may be at peace, that the truth might shine forth in your awareness and your desire for more truth and greater blessings. You are blessed, my beloved brothers and sisters. You have journeyed long and hard. You have overcome many obstacles. You have wiped aside those conditions of the mind that would inhibit your prayers and your experience with God. For this you are blessed. In this you come to receive the benediction of God’s Love within your soul.

May you continue to walk in the light. Feel and know the blessing of God’s Love, its wondrous Grace enveloping you, enfolding you, uplifting you and bringing you into greater light. This is your heritage, beloved children. God intends for each of you to know this gift and to benefit from it. God has struck a chord within your soul and you have responded by seeking His gift of Love. So it shall be for you for all eternity, beloved and beautiful souls. So it shall be for those children who indeed seek and find within their hearts all that God means to give to each one.

I am with you, beloveds, I am with you. God bless you. May “the peace that knows no understanding” be a mantle upon your shoulders. May the Love of God and all its power and glory be a gift within your soul. May the Truth of God’s reality and creation shine within you leaving no possibility or doubts in error, but Truth pure and simple and wondrous. May God bless you, beloved souls, my beloved friends upon this Earth, who carry this message and Truth in the world. I am with you. All the angels of Heaven are with you, beloveds. God bless you and keep you close in His Presence and Love.