Messages 2021

I Have Your Back

April 20th, 2021

Punalu’u, Oahu, Hawaii, U.S.A.

Received by Jimbeau Walsh

I am here your brother Francis. I step forward because I wish to commend you dear brothers. You are in my band. You who have put God before riches. You who have compassion towards the impoverished, the homeless, and the hungry. You who wish to feed every soul with the gift of the Father’s Love. When you go in prayer our Loving Father showers you with His love. This is called the “State of Grace,” in the real meaning of those words.

And what you bring to the world is called an “Outward sign of Grace,” in the real meaning of those words. Because this “Holy Communion,” the true communion, is the gift of God’s Love flowing into your souls, raising you up above this world of concern, and doubt, and troubles. You do open your hearts to serve and have compassion for every soul because all are precious children of the Father. You are my brothers, and you will always have my support. As they say in your world, “I have your back”, and believe me, you have my love.

So, with all my love and blessings, go in peace and continue to shine the light. May God bless you. I am your brother in Christ. I am Francis of Assisi. Peace.