Messages 2021

A Deep Blessing

December 28th, 2021

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

Beloved souls, you long for His Light and Love and so He responds accordingly. I come. I am Jesus. I come to pray with you this night, to be with you, all of you in this unified prayer and desire to know God, to be blessed by God so that your souls may awaken in Love, that His Essence may indeed infiltrate all aspects of your soul, the many places within, those chambers that are longing to be awakened and to find their place within the great consciousness of your being, active and alive, bringing blessings of insight, of wisdom, of joy, of love, that your gifts may be enhanced by love, that your actions may be informed by love, that every waking moment and sleeping moment may be within the Grace of God for it is your soul’s desire, beloveds, to be in the Grace of God and to know His Love in ever greater measure so that you may be transformed, awakened, and healed by the power of the greatest blessing that is in the universe. That is the Essence of the Great Creator which is available to you at this moment. Every moment it may come to you in response to your prayers, your earnest desires to receive this gift.

You must carry the torch of truth with you wherever you go. Say a prayer for all of those you meet upon your journeys that God may instill within them the desire to receive His Love, to know Him from that place deep within which is their soul. For as you are an active agent of God, so your prayers are heard. As your prayers become more earnest and powerful, so the response will come accordingly.

Beloveds, beautiful souls of God, open yourselves more fully to His gift of Love. Allow all those conditions that keep you from Him to fall away for God’s earnest desire is that you may be healed from all things that are not in harmony with His Laws of Love. He wishes for you to be free of these things. His desire is for you to find at-onement with Him. In this way, all of your potentials and gifts, all that God has instilled within you will come alive and be awakened in love and joy, expansiveness, in light.

Beloved souls, we are all children of God. We all walk the same path. We will know one another as we continue on this journey. Those of you in the flesh and we in the world of spirit, the Celestial Heavens and beyond, will be known by all of you. As we know you, so you shall know us. As time unfolds, so your gifts will awaken and your ability to know will deepen. Your souls will come into that place of deep knowing, deep understanding, deep joy, and deep love. In this place, God will use you as His instruments, His channels of love in the world, so needed, beloveds, so needed.

Beloveds, continue to seek this gift above all else for the time approaches when you will be sorely needed in the world and will do much to help humanity to struggle beyond the human condition to something much higher and more beautiful and more in harmony with God. This is the destiny of your world, to be in light, to slough off the dark conditions of human making and be in harmony with God’s Will, God’s laws, God’s Love. It comes on the heels of prayer. It comes with a deep desire within the soul to receive this gift. It comes as your soul beckons you to God and tells of its great need to be with God.

I tell you, listen to your soul. Listen to that longing. Know that longing and be in alignment with God through your thoughts and your actions, your prayers and your efforts. Be in alignment with God, beloved souls. So, your world will unfold in harmony with God’s Will. You will come to know what you must do. You will come to know your own self so intimately and clearly that there will be no doubt. There will be no misdirection. You will walk a straight and narrow path into the light, beloved souls, serving humanity in love. This is for you, beloved souls, to understand, to live by, to truly express for God has created you for this purpose.

So, this purpose will find its unfoldment as His Love continues to awaken you.Blessed are those who love God, blessed are the peacemakers, blessed are those who serve their brothers and sisters in loving efforts to bring healing and comfort, to bring peace and joy, so needed, so needed in your world, beloveds. Seek the guidance of God and walk upon the Earth as His lights, His instruments, His beautiful children. So, we will walk together, beloveds, together in light.

God bless you and keep you in His Grace, His Presence, His unfolding Love. Beloveds, beloved souls, we are unified in this light. Feel this light permeate all that is you and awaken all that is of God within you. God bless you, beloveds. I am your brother and friend. I am Jesus. God bless you, beloved souls.