Messages 2021

A Story with No End

October 14th, 2021

Punalu’u, Oahu, Hawaii, U.S.A.

Received by Jimbeau Walsh

Imagine for a moment that you are looking upon the earth from a vantage point where you could see the entirety of human existence from time immemorial to the present day. The ebb and flows, the great cataclysmic events, the earth changes through the eons, the great wars, and the periods of peace. From this vantage point you would see that although change is the law, it seems not much has changed. And yet, this gift of God’s Love is like a bright sun coming up on the horizon, from a dark night with a promise of a new day, another morning, bringing harmony, and beauty, and growth, and peace.

What you are reading in the Robert J. Lees books1 comes from a place so beautiful, so filled with light, that it inspires those who can perceive it with their souls, to be in a state of being, commensurate on the journey of transformation to those souls who are mentioned in them. This is the journey through the spheres, the many mansions in the Father’s Kingdom, most especially those of light and love, God’s Love. It is a story with no end, and that is why, in a sense, you wish it to be so. In love everlasting, eternal, infinite, your immortal soul ever expanding in the Love of God. So be it. I am John, a redeemed soul and your brother in Christ. May God be with you, always.

Note 1 A reference to Robert J Lees books: Through the Mists, The Life Elysian and The Gate of Heaven.