Messages 2021

All Are Worthy of God’s Love

November 11th, 2021

Punalu’u, Oahu, Hawaii, U.S.A.

Received by Jimbeau Walsh

I am here your brother and friend in Christ, Robert J. Lees. All who walk the path of God’s love are upon the bridge that you speak of connecting the earth, the earth planes, the spirit realms, the 7th sphere, and the Celestial heavens.

All who have received the gift of God’s love are upon this bridge. Those who are aware of the truths that were presented through James Padgett, Rev Owens, myself, and many others, the truths that lead to the transformation of soul in receiving the essence of God’s love, they see the bridge with their souls but their minds often hold them back. Sometimes in fear, sometimes in doubt, but most often in unworthiness.

So, my dear friends it is important to convey to each soul that they are worthy. For the Father loves all of His children, the sinner and the saint alike. And once a soul walks in faith and opens to the blessing of God’s love, it is no longer a matter of wonder, or wondering but now an understanding facilitated by the very Essence of the Father in one’s soul. That light connects each one to their destiny beyond the mortal, beyond the human to the Divine and Immortality in the Eternal realms of the Celestial Kingdom.

It is good to remind all that one has nothing to lose and everything to gain, by letting go that which is unnecessary for your walk on this path. How quickly one can progress in Faith, in prayer, in allowing God to touch their soul. And for those who cross over into spirit with even an inkling of faith, it is much easier for them to let go of those things that were nothing more than mere speculation now in their soul awakening to a life in spirit whether they believed in the Divine love or not. The Fathers love will guide you over the abyss, above this world of doubt, beyond the limited self, into a glorious soul at one with its Creator. I speak of this from experience, and I greet you, a redeemed soul in the Celestial heavens, your brother in Christ, who loves you. I am Robert J. Lees. God bless you.