Messages 2021
As you Grow in Divine Love
February 24th, 2021
Punalu’u, Oahu, Hawaii, U.S.A.
Received by Jimbeau Walsh
I am here your sister in Christ. I am Clare. My dear kind mice I call you kind because as you grow in the Divine Love it becomes harder and harder to find a mean bone in your body. Compassion flows and you take on the characteristics that you associate with God, Who, is the fount of mercy, pouring from the fountainhead of His love for all, flowing from the fount of compassion. The awakening of the soul depends upon first being kind to yourself. As you forgive yourself for your shortcomings and ask those you have offended to forgive you if necessary, it becomes easier and easier to forgive. And you realize how difficult this is in human nature when it is not even at one with its true self in the natural love, in kindness to others, care for the earth, non-violence, brotherhood and sisterhood, compassion, and empathy.
You may wonder what good is this Divine Love if people are not even loving each other with the love they have been given in nature and that they have strayed from. And I can feel that you know that answer to this which is: “When you love with the love of God you embrace the natural love, you embrace those you love, and it awakens something in them that was asleep.” It gives light to the darkness and sight to the blind spiritually. This may in turn cause them to feel the longings in their souls to be at one with their Creator. In the failure of the natural love the soul cries out and is touched by God which resolves the issues created out of harmony and the transformation begins. In the natural it is a purification and perfection of the soul, releasing as is said, the encrustations, the sins, the walls, the errors, purified to a wonderful happiness, to a wonderful harmony. Oh, if only, the earth could be restored. As things become more and more unsustainable and inharmonious, souls begin to reach in prayer to God for help for answers and even on the natural love spectrum a light begins to shine. When humans realize that without brotherhood and sisterhood, without harmony, there is no reason to continue. This is the precipice which those on earth sit.
So, I say this to you my dear ones. Your love makes a difference. If you allow God to work through you. In joy, in light, and in Grace, you will not regret it. As you let go of those things which hold you down, God lifts you up beyond your greatest imaginings, as I know only too well and am humbled by it. May your tender hearts be open and in the safety of this sanctuary that you have created my dear ones, that God may bless you heal you change you in His love. I can wish you nothing greater and I do wish this love to be yours. May God bless you. I am Clare, of Assisi. God bless you.