Messages 2021
Be the Real Deal
October 25th, 2021
Vancouver B.C., Canada
Received by Jimbeau Walsh
I am here Hafiz. I come in the love of God as your brother and friend. You may realize that at the point of connection of the soul to its Creator, that happiness is not what you think. For it is the joy of the soul rising above the world. Doubt is like clouds obscuring your view and once they are removed, the light of day shines. Let it shine from your soul with the love of God. Happiness for the seeker transcends momentary self- gratification and all the self- satisfaction of the senses in the embrace that is eternal, and this joy rings true. As a musician can tell you, when all is in harmony, everyone is uplifted, and everyone is playing the song. When your soul is graced in the love of God it is though everyone around you is lifted because that Love, Divine love, coming from and with the Essence of the Creator, touches everything.
It is said that a celebrity can light up a room, so much energy directed at one person creates a field. But when the energy of God comes through the soul it is transcendent, it is bliss. In my time on earth, my enlightenment in my constant prayer, I expressed in my poems, and many were drawn because the energy, the vibrations of the words themselves, could touch a soul. And though the authorities in my religion considered me a heretic, I was the real deal. And so, my friends, be the real deal. Because the real authority is God, and His love is the greatest. This can be your gift to the world and may it be so. I thank you for allowing me this message. May God bless you with His love Divine. May God bless you. I am Hafiz.