Messages 2021

Blessing of Great Light

December 21st, 2021

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

Brothers and sisters, I come to be with you in prayer. Yes, I am my Father’s son and you are all my brothers and sisters. As we walk in the light as God’s children, so we are blessed in this light. So we are given every opportunity to receive the gift of His Love. Together we share this journey, this destiny that will bring us to at-onement with God. Put aside all those conditions, thoughts, and fears which hold you from God. Know that as you step forward, each footfall, each effort, each prayer will bring a response from your Creator.

Your Heavenly Father is always listening for your prayers and to have your desires known to Him. Although He does know your desires, it is important that you know and acknowledge your own desires, that you speak them to God in whatever way that is done that reaches to the Source. Truly be His children listening for His wisdom, clamouring for His Love, seeking to be embraced by His Holy Spirit so that you may journey upon this earthly life with joy in your hearts, with love brimming in your souls, with truth at your fingertips so that no matter what situation you may encounter in your lives, you may walk in light and choose light, you may work in harmony with God’s Laws of Creation, you may be attuned to His Great Soul.

What more can you ask in a life, beloved souls, than to be in alignment with God? For in this way, all that is not in alignment with God will fall away from you and your life. All that is of goodness and light, beauty and grace, true love, Divine Love will be yours. You come to acknowledge my presence upon the Earth. I say to you that just as you have been blessed with the gift of life, so was I. I beseech you to think of what you may make of this gift, what you may do to uplift humanity, what you may say that will put the ring of truth into the ears of your brothers and sisters, what may you do that brings greater light to all those in your lives? Consider this, beloved souls, for now is the time for all to step forward in light, to act in accordance to God’s Will, to listen to that Will which is strong and powerful and clear.

There will be no misunderstandings, beloved souls, once you step forward in the light declaring yourselves as God’s instruments and channels of love. All will come clear, beloved souls. All is clear in the great blessings that is God’s Hand upon you. Beloved and precious souls, my brethren and my disciples, I pray with you today thankful for life, thankful for all of God’s blessings, thankful to have the great flow of His Love and Touch and blessings in our lives. We are truly His children and we shall truly walk in the Light of His Presence, beloveds.

Deep peace upon you, beloveds, deep peace and light uplifting and upholding you all upon this beautiful journey that is your blessing and search for truth to awaken your soul in all the goodness, all the Light that is God’s Touch. God bless you, beloveds. I am with each one of you, shall continue to be your friend upon the path. Each is special to me and each shall indeed find the glories of God and enter into the Celestial Kingdom when that time comes that their souls are redeemed in love. I shall personally escort each one of you through those portals and introduce to all my beloved friends in the Celestial Kingdom, the angels of God. Blessings to you, my precious, beautiful friends. Blessings to you. My love is with you always. God bless you. God bless you, beloveds.