Messages 2021

A Call for Spiritual Leadership

May 14th, 2021

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

God bless you, beloved souls. I am Jesus. I come to be with you in prayer, beautiful souls of light. May you continue to abide in the Light of God’s Love. May you continue to pray for your brothers and sisters who share with you this world, this gift from God, life imbued upon a world that God has created to uplift and uphold His children and all of creation. Yes, when we look upon your world, we see great distress in every corner. Many are suffering. Many continue to abide in the darkness and do not know that they are indeed within that condition that is out of harmony with God. Many suffer and cannot find remedies for this suffering. Many are lost and yet, do not know that they are lost. Many have yearnings deep within them but cannot find a way to express these yearnings, for now that your institutions and churches do not fulfill the needs of many, so they feel adrift and lost in a sea of unrequited prayer and need for comfort.

Pray for those churches, beloved souls. Pray for those who are the leaders of these churches that they may be inspired by God and reach out to humanity. As in every place in your world and within these institutions, there are bright lights, those who do indeed do God’s work. May they, in their example, continue to ignite inspiration and truth within their fellowship. There is much work to be done, beloveds, much work to be done. The angels of heaven and the bright spirits of the spirit planes continue to work diligently and continuously to uphold humanity. God continues to pour His blessings upon your world. May you come to be in full alignment with God for the foremost desire that God has for each of you is to have your souls awakened in His Love. In this way, you may be true and clear channels of love for others igniting this great flame that will cleanse the world of darkness and evil bringing joy to the hearts of all.

This is God’s plan for humanity. It is the great goal of all of our work. Those of you on Earth and we in spirit and God in His Heavens continue to work toward these ends to bring peace to your world for if peace comes to your world, it will reverberate out to all the dark spheres of spirit transforming them into greater light. Even the hells will be cleansed by the power of humanity in alignment with God. The brightness that will come to your Earth will also bring and provide a signal to those bright spirits in other places in the universe drawing in the beautiful touch and support of many of God’s blessed children who reside in many places on Earth and in the cosmos.

There is much work to do, beloveds, but each of you are being prepared for what is to come in the transformation of your world. Indeed, as you pray for God to infuse the desire for His Love within humanity, so each of you will play a part in this, will come to know your part, and will be a beautiful channel of love and light. Though I know you see yourselves as merely mortals and ineffectual in your gifts and abilities and the power of light around you, but I say to you, beloved souls, you will come to know the wonderment of your own soul.

As you continue to reach toward God, so God will ignite the awakening, so God will bring what you require to be His channels of love and light. You will surprise and amaze yourselves in the abilities and capacities that you have to bring light to your brothers and sisters, to be used by God in many diverse and wondrous ways, to uplift your families and your loved ones. They will feel the strength, the light, the power of love that comes through you all.

In times of need, they will turn to you for you will be at peace. You will know within your hearts that what is manifesting on Earth is part of God’s great plan for the transformation of your world and the transformation of humanity. Do not fear the future. Do not judge yourselves or your brothers and sisters for each is undergoing a change. Each is feeling some trepidation and anxiousness but curiosity as well and a glimmer of hope is rising up from the souls of humanity feeling that now is the time for all to awaken and be in the great flow of love and peace that is meant for this world.

You will see yourselves guided in positions of leadership, not in a formal way but in a way that others will look to you and seek wisdom and guidance through you as the power of love will emanate all about you and through you to all that you meet. Wherever you are in the world, so this power will build and be a great blessing for many.

Know that whatever transgressions you have made in your past, whatever things within you that you feel make you an inadequate and insufficient leader and light in the world will be absorbed and transformed by love. These things will not matter anymore, beloved souls. These issues that you carry, the pains and tribulations which every soul upon your world continue to carry and have as a challenge in their lives will dissipate. Have faith in the power of your own soul to reach God and to be with God.

For indeed every soul is imbued with this ability and every soul longs to express this gift, this channel to God and to know His Love in such fullness, grace and beauty, such wonderment and joy that they will know a deep and abiding happiness and fulfillment. They will be strong in light. They will have gifts and abundance. They will see and perceive with faculties of the soul. They will be God’s instruments upon the Earth. As His instruments, they will be accompanied by many angels which will provide protection, which will bring manifestation and will be a form of great, expansive blessings to each soul through them. God will act accordingly as you are a part of the great chain of love that will flow.

The actions of blessings, compassion, and healing to your brothers and sisters from God through His angels, through the bright spirits, through you, is a chain that will bring great light and blessings, great truth and manifestations upon your world. This I tell you as truth. This I tell you so that you may contemplate these words in conjunction with your own life and your own desires and priorities in life so that you may see this instrumentality, this service that God wishes of you may indeed be a real and palpable thing that will bring many blessings to others.

Do not doubt yourselves but stay within those higher thoughts within you that say that ‘ I am a child of God and I wish to serve God in love, that all those I know who are suffering may find some comfort through me, may find some resolution through the truth that I might speak, the wisdom that may flow through me, that love may brighten all those whom I love, that light will envelop us all in the great blessings of God’. May God bless you, beloved souls, keep you in His care and keeping, His Love flowing everlasting within your soul. God bless you. I am your brother, your friend, Jesus. I am with you always. God bless you.

Beloved souls, I am Confucius. I come to bring a blessing to each one of you for now that the Master has set your hearts aflame with truth, now I come to uplift your bodies, to open a channel to the great healing energies of your Earth, to invigorate you as life springs forth from this place, these areas in which you live that it may come and touch your bodies, invigorating and energizing you all. Those close to you, a blessing, a blessing to open all channels and energies within your spirit body, to awaken you physically and spiritually, to give to you a sense of upliftment and joy.

So I come and I touch each one of you with this spiritual energy that is a blessing from God and that brings life to all things. So it comes a touch upon each of you, blessing you, beloveds, blessing you and bringing light to all that you are. Beloved souls, I come to be with you in love, in blessed, beautiful love. Light of the heavens, light of the Earth upon you all. Confucius loves you, beloved, beloved souls. You are blessed. Walk forth in light, blessed, beautiful children of God. My love is with you.