Messages 2021

Celestial Energy

October 18th, 2021

Punalu’u, Oahu, Hawaii, U.S.A.

Received by Jimbeau Walsh

I am here your brother Judas. I am happy to be with my friend this evening and I wish to say a few words. Do you know that feeling you get when the electricity goes out and for a moment when the hum of electricity the sounds generated by it come to an abrupt halt and there is that brief moment of, “Aha, peace”? Also, when you are in nature and most prominently near waters and places where what you call negative ions, put out a charge of beautiful energy.

So, consider what comes out of your TV set if you have one, what kind of energy comes out of a film, a conversation that has a negative center of gravity. You may think of God’s love as these beautiful negative ions clearing the atmosphere and sending a beam of light over and against the prevailing winds.

We talk about persisting in prayer not in terms of saying a rosary or having to have a mantra or words that go no higher than the lips, but that which arises from the longings in your soul. That which touches the soul of God, Who, always responds.

It is important to be able to be in the vibrations of light in the Grace of God carrying those emanations from heaven. So, each of you can carry a piece of heaven with you and know you are protected from vexed spirits, and that you do not have to react in kind but walk in love, walk in joy, walk in faith and be a waterfall, be a forest. Rise above! And let me just say: “Be a Celestial waterfall, a Celestial forest, as you carry the Essence of God in your souls.”

I am your eternal friend in the love of God and your brother in Christ. I am Judas, once of Kerioth, and now a Celestial angel.