Messages 2021

Great Compassion for Us Living in the Conditions of the World

May 11th, 2021

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

This is your teacher Augustine. I know many of you are eager to fulfill your desire for spiritual awakening, for greater light, and a greater capacity to love. Indeed on this Earth plane in which you exist, such things are not readily attainable. It is often a struggle for you to continue to grapple with your minds and those deeply-seated issues within you that are encrustations of the soul. So your journey often is that of toil towards greater light rather than ease and flow towards joy and peace with the fulfillment of the soul.

Yet none of you have been cast down or rejected or left to your own devices. Rather, God continues to minister to each and every one of you. God continues to encourage His angels to uplift you. Upon this journey you feel the ministrations of the angels, the upliftment, and know that despite all conditions that may be contrary to your awakening and peace and joy, you are being upheld, beloved souls, constantly upheld. When you feel that you are downtrodden, that as each day comes, your conditions change and some days bring a sense of burden and disquiet, while others, joy and upliftment. This is the way of the world, beloved souls, but the remedy for such a condition of negativity is prayer and opening yourselves up to God, putting aside those thoughts and feelings that are often not in harmony with God. Be strong in your determination to seek light, and to be in alignment with God.

Even though at times your efforts seem unrewarded, I say to you, beloved and beautiful souls, all of you who are indeed under God’s care, that no matter what a day may bring in terms of difficulties or struggles, know they will not last and that they cannot last, provided you are sincere in your efforts to pray to God and to be with God, to receive His Love, to have your souls awakened in this Love. This is the most powerful prayer you may utter in a day, asking God to infill your soul with His Great Essence, the Divine Love.

In this way, you ensure that the majority of your days will be that of upliftment and light. Though there may be days of struggle and a sense of being downtrodden, I say to you that you will continue on an upward trajectory toward God. This is the law in action. Yes, there are conditions and waves of darkness that envelop the Earth at times, enveloping the area in which you live, and because many of you are sensitive, you feel this condition and aware of it. Often you blame yourself for the existence of this condition and the awareness of it within you. I say to you, beloved souls, often it is not your doing but it is the collective unfolding condition of darkness that is part of the human condition that ebbs and flows in your world.

Allow yourself a bit of mercy, a bit of love, a bit of caring, and to truly realize that this state is not your permanent condition nor does it reflect often your inner condition but rather it is because you have been vulnerable to the earthly conditions in some way. Indeed, it is difficult for you of the flesh to understand these more subtle dynamics and conditions which ebb and flow in your Earth plane. Allow yourself time in prayer always. Set your desire and intention for the day in prayer at the beginning of each day. In this way, you will do more to ensure that you will be uplifted and carried into the light.

It is important to set forth these prayers with earnestness before you begin your day for how else can we come close? How else can God bless you but through your earnest prayers? Whether that be for the moment or whether you set aside a substantial amount of time in prayer, I urge you to make this your routine, your daily efforts to bring light to you and to bring light into your life.

The power of prayer is the greatest tool that you have to combat darkness in the world. Your inner desire is what determines so much, beloved souls. Allow yourselves to be in alignment with God for your souls truly desire this. Allow yourself to put aside your worries and cares but for a moment or a time in prayer so that you may see from a loftier height that which is important, that which is necessary for your well-being, and for light to enter into your being and into your life.

Many in your families and lives rely upon your strength, and your efforts in prayer. They may not know this readily or consciously but within their souls, they know and feel the power of your strength and light. Indeed, you become a great example for many as you are persistent and consistent in these prayers and efforts. In this condition of light that you build and accumulate daily. Know that in this way, God uses you in a variety of ways and a variety of circumstances, in ways that you may never know of but indeed has been a part of your daily effort and your service to God. So much comes on the heels of prayer, beloveds. Do not underestimate its power. Do not underestimate the power of your own prayer. Allow God to use you, His Light and Love to flow through you as His instruments upon this world and all will come and unfold in its glory, its light, its wonderment, its joy, its peace, and its love.

May God bless you on this journey. We are with you. You continue to come together seeking God’s blessings and guidance. So we respond as the laws come into play and the activation of your inner desires and motivations which bring these blessings come ever more powerfully with each day. You accumulate light, beloved souls. You are beautiful channels of light. You are God’s children. Be with God at this moment of prayer and know that God responds in His gentle but firm embrace of your soul. The Holy Spirit comes to each of you opening the door for this blessing. You are gifted with the greatest gift in all the universe, that of your Creator’s Essence flowing in, never to be lost, always to burn within your soul, and to accumulate ever more brightly within.

God bless you, beloveds. I am your teacher Augustine. I come to speak to you of the simple blessing of prayer for God’s Love and its power to transform, its power to bring light, its power to utilize you as a channel of light. God bless you, beloveds, and keep you in the light. My love is with you. God bless you.