Messages 2021

Discover your Gifts and Give them to Others in Love

March 23rd, 2021

Punalu’u, Oahu, Hawaii, U.S.A.

Received by Jimbeau Walsh

I am here your brother and friend Charles - Charlie Chaplin. I come to you in the Love of God on the path Divine. It is so wonderful to see humor restored and to see the joy that comes to you in your beautiful circle, attended by many, many souls. But don’t let that put you off for they are not required to come but are attracted to your discussions, to your prayers, and to the light in your souls.

When you are in the Love, the Love of God, humor is restored, joy and bliss are yours. You could dance, you could sing. Sometimes it is as simple as just telling a funny story to bring a smile to those in need. That was my mission on earth, and it continues as I progress through the spheres. So I come to you to continue to encourage you to tell your stories, sing your songs, and bring humor to lift the weary souls of earth into the light. To love them, if even with a simple smile, a small act of kindness, a little tale of happiness.

You know in books and in films and songs even, often what begins as a problem, a tragedy, a very negative thing, becomes one of triumph, and this is of course, the journey of the hero that has played out through the centuries. I would say dear brother Judas, is a great example of a spiritual hero. For not only did he overcome the darkness and his deeds and his despair, but he embraced the light. He received forgiveness, he forgave himself, his friends embraced him, and God lifted him up. He is a beautiful celestial spirit full of good humor. This humor we have in common.

This is not to say that there is a lack of humor, but some have a gift in that respect. So really my message to you is this: “Discover your gifts and give them to others in the love of God, with the love in your souls and with joy in your heart”, for love conquers all and dispels the darkness. Do not fret for you are so very blessed and so loved by all here, and above all, by the Creator.

Thank you for opening the door for me today. I shall dance on my way out. Will you join me? I love you. I am your brother and friend in God’s Love on the Celestial path. I am Charles. Thank you.